Top 3 Hotels in China to See This Christmas
Written by Jenni Li
Translated by Jennifer Lau
This Christmas, we have our favourite hotels to recommend to our readers. We think these three locations are the perfect places to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. There is so much to explore in China but if you are in southern China, make sure to check out these hotels!
Photo Courtesy of Baptiste Bohu
Chongming Island Hotel (Shanghai)
崇明林舍酒店 — 上海
This beautiful resort aspires for its guests to enjoy nature, simplicity, and relaxed living.
Designer Baptiste Bohu exercises his expertise in bringing colour into the design’s essence to bring a clean modern aesthetic. A mix of his French heritage and inspiration from around the world, this design also integrates his great love for Chinese culture.
Each room of this hotel has a distinct aesthetic — from furniture, lighting, and accessories — we think you would enjoy your stay in this property. Consider it if you are going to Shanghai soon!
設計師 Baptiste Bohu 最擅長以大片的色彩和設計元素為空間帶來簡潔的現代感。他的創作常常結合了他的法國背景,從世界旅行中得到的靈感,和對中國文化的熱愛,是多種風格的浪漫和大膽的混搭。
在設計過程中,不拘一格的 Baptiste Bohu 選取了大量當地的材料與植物,以及不重樣的家具、燈飾和擺設,為酒店的每一間客房都設計了截然不同的景致。如果你計劃去上海,可以考慮在崇明林舎酒店下榻,相信你會愛上這裡的風景!
Photo Courtesy of Baptiste Bohu
Photo Courtesy of Baptiste Bohu
Annso Hill Hotel (Tengchong, Yunnan)
安之若宿・山酒店 — 雲南
Photo Courtesy of Studio Qi
The first thing you will notice about this hotel is its entrance way. The hotel lives on a slope and the white-walled hallways have a unique zigzag formation. The roof tiles are reminiscent of traditional Chinese homes, which connect to the street level. It almost feels as though the green forests behind the hotel are endless.
This Yunnan property with its unforgettable architectural designs is very inviting for its guests and to the public. There are common spaces in the hotel which entices those passing by to make a short stop and pause.
The pure white aesthetic of the public and private spaces of Annso Hill are calming. The large hallways open up to the quiet views of nature as on approaches, which is such a treat while on holiday. Visit this lesser known village in Yunnan for a true vacation from busyness.
Studio Qi 設計的「安之若宿・山」酒店一大亮點是它建在斜坡上的入口。
Photo Courtesy of Studio Qi
Photo Courtesy of Studio Qi
Anadu resort hotel 阿那度莊園度假酒店 — Studio8 (Huzhou, Zhejiang)
Photo Credit: Sven Zhang
Coined as the Hamptons of China by VOGUE, this quiet resort city has a beautiful hotel designed by Shanghai-based Studio8. The architects wanted to bring closer the relationship between the guest and Mother Nature. In the initial stages, they observed the environments around the proposed resort — the white tea hills on the west and the mountains standing tall in the north, and the bamboo forest in the east. The only element missing was water.
To achieve its hope of creating a space which would make guests want to stay inside all day, they proposed the concept of “finding oneself in nature.” Utilizing local materials for the design, building, and even meals created in their kitchen, the hotel truly connected all the natural resources surrounding its properties. They also added infinity pools on each floor to complete all the elements of nature. We can only imagine the serenity that comes with being at one with nature through spatial design and culinary delights. Will you pay this property a visit soon?
阿那度莊園度假酒店位於被 VOGUE 美譽為「中國的漢普頓斯」的國家級風景名勝區莫干山。
設計阿那度莊園度假酒店的 Studio8 在項目初期首先考察了酒店項目周邊的自然景觀 —— 西邊有鬱鬱蔥蔥的白茶坡,北邊有連綿的遠山,東邊有搖曳的竹林,而唯一缺失的元素是「水」。Studio8 相信,一個建築設計的關鍵在於空間使用者與自然的關係。
為了打造出 Anadu 所希望的「讓人在裡面待上一天都不想出門的酒店」,Studio8 提出了「在自然中找到自我」的整體設計理念,將當地的材料充分用於項目的建築、設計,甚至廚房食材中,使酒店與周邊的自然元素緊密連接,並在每一層樓中都加入了無邊水景以對酒店所處環境進行元素的補充,令人身處其中感到無限愜意和從容。如此的空間設計和貼近自然的飲食起居,你會在下個假期來這裡度過嗎?
Photo Credit: Sven Zhang
Photo Credit: Sven Zhang