Sustainability, Community, and Fighting for Justice
Interviewed and edited by Jennifer J. Lau
Translated by Jenni Li
Photographer: Gina Chong, Butter Studios;
Producer: Jennifer J. Lau,
Make Up: Anita Lee,
Hair Stylists: Casi Gill & Anita Lee,
Featured Canadian Designers: Gigi Wang, Betty Lai, Narces, Christopher Paunil,
Jewellery: Cartier
Tara claims that what grounds her is “to know that the women whom I come from are strong in the face of adversity.” Her paternal grandmother is the oldest of thirteen children and did not continue her own education for the sake of her family, which afforded her brothers the opportunity to do so. Tara goes on to say that “Grandma remembers being very young and carrying large sacks of rice on her back as she returned from the market, as well as hiding from enemy soldiers during the Japanese occupation of Singapore when she was a child. It’s this resiliency that I hope to pass on to my children, as well as the old Chinese traditions of duty, honour and putting others first.” Her plan is to bring her children back to Singapore to visit cousins, great-great aunts and uncles.
名字是特殊的 — 名字講述著我們的來歷,也承載著家族對我們的寄託。 Miss Canada 2010、Joy Smith Foundation BC 總監 Tara Teng 一直在思考她的新加坡華裔混血身份,她的出身連接著兩種主流文化。似乎從出生起,她就注定要為這個社會作出貢獻。實際上,Tara 的中文名字 — 愛群的意思正是「熱愛群眾」, 而她也名副其實地做到了。 祖母的經歷令 Tara 在她的信念之路上堅定不移:「我的祖輩在困境中是如此的頑強」。她的祖母是十三個兄弟姐妹中最年長的,但她半途輟學養家,給弟弟爭取了上學的機會。 「祖母記得她在幼小的年紀背著米袋子從菜市場走回家,還記得年少時在新加坡的戰亂中躲避日本敵兵的經歷。我要將這種堅毅的精神繼續下去,傳給下一代,也要讓孩子們理解中國文化中傳統的職責、尊重和以人為先的精神。」Tara計劃著帶孩子們回新加坡探望家人。
“It’s this resiliency that I hope to pass on to my children, as well as the old Chinese traditions of duty, honour and putting others first.”
With her work, Tara addresses the root causes of human trafficking and engages in prevention programs. Being a part of Canada’s leading organization on changing our nation’s human trafficking laws has given her the privilege of knowing many survivors. She says: “It has become clear to me that human trafficking is a result of deep-rooted systemic racism, colonization and patriarchal world views which sees people as objects to be used and taken advantage of, rather than people to be valued and respected.”
But the heart for the cause did not begin with her advocacy work in her adulthood. Tara moved at the age of 16 to a small town of Powell River in Langley, just outside of Vancouver. She soon learned that a family on her new street had lost a daughter to human trafficking. At 14 years old, her neighbour’s daughter had been lured into prostitution. Marking a turning point in her life, Tara saw firsthand the dark reality that human-trafficking happens close by. “Human trafficking isn’t a far off, distant problem, like many Canadians believe. Canada is truly a source, destination and transit country for human-trafficking, some of the most dehumanizing forms of exploitation.”
Ten years later, Tara believes that ordinary citizens “hold immense power to change our world for the better.” She hosts a signature workshop, Smart Activism, to equip hundreds of people with the tools to navigate the political system, partner with corporations, and bring lasting and effective change to important causes. As a result, Tara has witnessed the impact of community. Laws have changed and lives have been restored because of good people.
Put simply, Tara is one of those good people. She understands that she can stand as an ally with Indigenous Peoples who are being marginalized and have been colonized for over a century in Canada. She wants to continue the fight already begun since the inception of Canada as a country. Encouraging all Canadians and visitors to Canada to educate themselves on the history of Indigenous Peoples, Tara shares that reconciliation begins with listening and building authentic relationships. “There is so much we can learn from one another and as with most things in life, it starts with listening, with a humble heart and with building relationships.” The next step is to take responsibility for the privilege we enjoy today as a result of their loss.
在工作中,Tara 指出人口販賣的根本原因,也組織了各種活動和宣傳以達到預防的目的。作為加拿大領頭呼籲修改人口販賣相關法律的組織一員,Tara結識了許多倖存者。她說:「人口販賣的原因是系統化而根深蒂固的種族歧視、殖民統治和重男輕女的偏見,在這種觀念下,人口被視為可以利用和壓榨的物品,而不是值得尊重或有個人價值的個體。」 她的主張是在她小時候開始成型的。 16歲那年,Tara 搬到了溫哥華邊上 Langley 一個叫 Powell River 的小鎮上。不久,她就听聞發生在附近一戶人家身上的悲劇 — 鄰居家的少女14歲時被拐騙去賣淫,一家人從此再也沒有見過這個孩子。人口販賣的黑暗現實觸動了她,也成為了Tara人生的轉折點。 「事實不是像大多數加拿大人認為的那樣,人口販賣不是一個遠在天邊的事情。正相反,加拿大是被拐賣人口來源地與人口販賣目的地之一,也是人口拐賣的途經地,這些都是最毫無人性的剝削。」
Tara相信,十年之後,普通的市民「擁有著巨大的力量,能將我們的世界改造成一個更好的地方」。她組織了一個講習班— Smart Activism, 為幾百人提供知識工具,去了解政治體系、如何與公司開展合作,並為舉足輕重的事由作出持久有效的改變。在這個過程中,Tara 見證了社區的影響力:有關法律得以修改,這些相信美好的人拯救了不計其數的生命。 Tara 是這些人裡的一員,她與被邊緣化和殖民了一百餘年的加拿大土著站在一起。她想繼續這場自加拿大獨立以來就開始的鬥爭。 Tara 鼓勵所有的加拿大人和前來觀光的遊客去了解土著人的歷史,Tara 認為,和解從傾聽和真心的交流開始。 「我們能夠從彼此身上學到很多,正如生活中的其他事情,傾聽是第一步,要報以謙遜之心來建立關係。」接下來的一步,因為他人曾經的失去而逐漸完善起來的權利,我們要對此擔負起屬於自己的那份責任。
Tara believes that people are precious and are Imago Dei (made in the image of God). Her faith is at the core of who she is. And because she believes the entire universe was created, it is sacred and worthy of protection and stewardship. She has an opinion or two on the topic of sustainability as well. Plainly she states, “Stop buying things.” Over-consumption and habits that simply favour convenience is to blame. She asks for a lifestyle change “if we want to keep living on this planet.” This entails three easy considerations. Reduce the use of plastics beyond plastic straws and including non-biodegradable clothing. Question the ethics of your clothes. Were the makers of your clothes paid a fair price for their labour in a safe working environment? Buy local and organic to support local farmers and consume fresher produce.
Tara 相信人是珍貴的,每一個人都是依照神的樣子被創造出來的,這個信仰是她的人生準則。她相信整個宇宙的形成是神聖的,並需要我們的看護。對於可持續性,她也有自己的理解,她直截了當地說道:「停止購物。」過度消費和圖方便是罪魁禍首。她主張生活方式的改變,「如果我們還想在這個星球上繼續生活下去的話。」Tara提議以下簡單易行的三點:減少塑料的使用,詢問你所穿的衣服的製作過程是否符合道德,買當地和有機果蔬以支持當地農民。
Tara 的下一步
Tara is currently working on her first book that takes elements from her popular workshop and shares principles on effective advocacy. We cannot wait to see her impact grow even more. She can be followed on her blog for updates.
目前,Tara 正在籌備關於她的講習班和如何有效表達主張的第一本書。我們期待見證她影響力的進一步擴大。 Tara的個人網站 有關於她的最新動向。