From Ritual to Sport: Dragon Boating 龍舟競賽: 由節日喜慶發展到國際性體育項目
Transcribed by Fête Chinoise · Translated by Mung Ting Chung
Photography by Claudia Hung & Justin Wong
First Published June 8, 2018 · Last Edited June 10, 2021
From left: Kay Huynh, Jason Au, Benjamin Choi, and Stephanie Chan.
From left: Director of Toronto Chinese Business Association (TCBA) Mabel Sin, Past Presidents & Directors of TCBA Peter Cheung and Evan Chau.
The Beginnings of a Tradition 傳統的起源
The roots of dragon boating can be traced back to a 2000-year old tradition in ancient China. The festival coincided with the Duan Wu Festival, celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th month in the Lunar calendar. The dragon was believed to be the ruler of water, which was vital in the lives of rural farmers, and remains a sacred symbol worshiped in Chinese culture.
The origin of the dragon boat ritual dates back to approximately 278 BC, where legendary poet and minister, Qu Yuan (屈原), opposed the government for its corruption. As an act of loyalty to his country, he committed suicide by tying heavy rocks to himself and drowned in the river. He was a beloved figure in the country and people were devastated by the news. They tried to save him by paddling out into the waters while making loud noises, banging on drums to scare away the ghosts and spirits. They threw rice dumplings into the water for the fish to eat, so that they would not eat into the poet’s body. This tradition has lived on, having started in the countryside wherever there were bodies of water (ex. rivers, lakes, oceans), and evolved into the current sport today.
龍舟競賽的起源可以追溯到二千年前的中國。端午節,又名龍舟節,在每年農曆的五月初五。「龍」被視為水神,對於農民的生計而言最為重要,直至今日仍然是中國文化中的一個神聖象徵。 龍舟競渡流傳最廣的起源,在公元前2078年,為一項祭祀儀式。當時的詩人及臣子屈原為了反對腐敗的政府而抗爭,為了表示他的忠心,他自行綁上了沉重的石頭,沉入河水中自殺。身受全國人民愛戴的屈原,他的死令舉國上下悲痛不已。他們嘗試拍打水面,發出囂鬧的聲音,又敲打樂鼓,目的都是為了把水鬼和邪靈驅走,他們把糭子丟進水裡餵魚吃,寄望這樣一來牠們就不會把詩人的遺體吃掉。這傳統最終流傳了下來,一直演變成今時今日的普及運動。
Dragon Boating as a Sport in Canada and Internationally 賽龍舟成為國際性體育項目
In Canada, the sport of dragon boating is still fairly young but outside of Asia, Canada was the first country to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. It was first introduced to Canada in 1986 in light of the Vancouver Expo and the first race was held in 1989. Less than 20 years later, competitions are held throughout the country: the biggest ones are in metropolitan cities like Vancouver and Toronto. During the Toronto International Dragon Boat Race, close to two hundred teams from around the world come together to compete. There are dragon boat chapters in Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, Mississauga, and in eastern cities like Halifax. In fact, there are more than 20 Canadian cities that host their own dragon boat races with participants from various ethnic backgrounds.
On the global scene, dragon boating is also becoming extremely popular. As the fastest-growing water sport in the world, there are festivals and competitions held in 60 countries including Sweden, Germany, and Russia every year. The International Dragon Boat Federation (IDBF) is advocating for this sport to become part of future Olympic games and came very close to making it into the 2008 Olympics but fell short by just 2 countries required for an inaugural event.
Every year in April or May, depending on the Lunar Calendar, Hong Kong has a huge Dragon Boat Festival. Crowds of hundreds of thousands come to join in the fun at Victoria Harbour where athletes paddle in the CCB (Asia) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races. Live entertainment and many large companies treat their employees to food and drink on large yachts and boats during the festivities.
Whether locally or globally, perhaps one of the reasons behind the steady growth of dragon boating is the emphasis of teamwork within the sport: usually there are 20 paddlers, 1 drummer, and 1 person in control of the steering of the boat. There are no superstars — you either win together or sink together. The sport has no age limit and no gender preferences, embracing all who want to participate. Although some may think that dragon boating is primarily a summer sport, the training begins months earlier to allow the athletes to build chemistry and rhythm as a team.
在加拿大,龍舟競賽作為一項運動的歷史不長。然而,在亞洲以外,加拿大算是第一個慶祝龍舟節的國家。在1986年,龍舟節慶祝活動,首次引入加拿大,在1989年的溫哥華世界博覽會上舉行了首次競技賽。才二十年不到的光景,全國各地都在舉辦大大小小的比賽:最大型的比賽通常位於溫哥華和多倫多。多倫多國際龍舟競賽中,接近二百隊從世界各地來到的比賽健兒都為了獎盃而努力。蒙特利爾(滿地河)、渥太華、漢密爾頓、密西沙加和哈利法克斯等東部城市都設有賽龍舟的分會。事實上,全加拿大有多於二十個城市都有舉辦龍舟競賽,參賽的健兒包括了不同族群的運動員。 在國際層面,龍舟競賽現已是非常受歡迎的水上運動,全世界六十多個國家(包括瑞典、德國和俄羅斯)、一百多個城市每年都有舉辦不同的節慶和比賽。國際龍舟聯合會(IDBF) 致力於將此項運動加入成為未來的奧運項目之一。在2008年北京奧運時,賽龍舟差一點就奧運夢成真,可惜最後僅差兩個國家的支持而未能成功。 每年農曆五月,香港都會舉辦大型的龍舟競賽,數以萬計的群眾一同來到維多利亞港,觀賞運動員在香港國際龍舟邀請賽中百槳齊發的英姿。在節日當天,既有現場表演,各家大公司也為其員工在遊艇和船上面提供食物和飲品。 無論是在地區性還是全球性層面而言,或許龍舟能穩定地增長的原因就在於它可以有效增進團體精神:通常有20名划槳手、一名鼓手和一名掌舵人,後者負責控制龍舟前行的方向。隊伍當中不許有個人主義:贏就一起贏,輸也一起輸,這項運動也沒有年齡限制和性別限制,誰來參與都可以。雖然有的人認為龍舟競賽只是一項夏天運動,但其實訓練往往夏季來臨前就開始, 運動員忘我地投入到團體精神、團體默契和團體節奏感。
An Invitation from the Founders to Build the Future 創辦人邀請大家一起開拓未來
The Toronto Chinese Business Association (TCBA) has hosted the annual Dragon Boat Festival since 1987, when the Hong Kong Councillor visited Toronto and saw the potential of the city hosting its own festival. The city was home to a growing Cantonese community of Hong Kong immigrants, who migrated during the 1980s and was seen as a great prospect for the sport. The first race took place in 1989 and consisted of only 27 teams and 20 races held at Ontario Place, but when locals saw what was happening first hand, they immediately loved the sport, even attracting Olympic canoe athletes to join the sport. In a short 3 years, the race outgrew Ontario Place and had to move to a larger space at Centre Island where it is now held. Since then, the event attracts over 5000 people annually, including paddlers, friends, families, and spectators.
The growing popularity outside of the Chinese community prompted the name of the event to be changed to the Toronto International Dragon Boat Race Festival, also signifying the sport’s integration into the Canadian cultural fabric.
The TCBA is now fervently looking to recruit and train up the next generation of young leaders embrace the tradition and grow the festival. With the newly established TCBA Junior Chapter, we are focused on building up a group of young leaders of this sport.
The sport is loved by paddlers and spectators, whether or not they are familiar with the origin of the Duan Wu festival and legend of Qu Yuan. Dragon boating is embraced by many local communities, and we hope that the next generation leaders will rise up from the thousands of participants this sport attracts each year.
一名香港議員曾到訪多倫多,在當年就看出這城市有主辦龍舟競賽的潛質,而自1987年以來,多倫多華商會(TCBA) 每年都舉辦龍舟競賽。多倫多是許多香港移民的家園,自八十年代起便形成了一個廣東文化的社區,足以促成這項運動的發展。第一次的競賽在1989年舉行,在安省遊樂宮由27個隊伍、20組比賽組成,奧運划艇選手也參與其中。短短三年間,這項比賽已經發展至安省遊樂宮容納不下的規模,需要轉移至場地更大的中央島。自此之後,這項活動吸引了大約五千名觀眾,包括三千五百名划槳手,以及他們的親友來觀賞。 由於其受歡迎程度已經超出了華人社區,在1996年,該活動更改名為多倫多國際龍舟節,這意味著這項運動已經融入為加拿大的一部分,也見證了TCBA將這項運動帶進加拿大的努力。 TCBA致力於招募和訓練新一代的年輕人,好讓這項傳統得以延續下去,及讓這個節慶繼續發展。我們期望下一代能承傳這項運動的歷史意義和熱情,作為最初的倡導者,TCBA吸引了初露鋒芒的領袖(35歲以下)來參加剛成立的TCBA青年分會,以及在節慶當日幫忙的義工。下一代的龍舟競賽需要新血和領袖加入,把文化的火炬承傳下去。 詩人和忠臣的背景起源或許不為一般槳手所知,即使對屈原的事蹟一無所知的人也可以喜歡上這項運動。但是,透過多倫多的龍舟競賽而連繫起的群體,肯定連這位忠臣詩人也未嘗預料得到。
What does dragon boat mean to you, Jason? 划龍舟對你的意義是什麼?
Jason Au
Years paddling: 18
Dragon boat was the vehicle through which I re-connected with my cultural heritage. The sport first brought me to China in 2005 when I coached a team that travelled to Tianjin to compete in an international university race. I returned to Tianjin in 2006 and found myself unable to articulate myself when speaking Cantonese to an athlete from a team in Macau. That moment motivated me to learning Cantonese, which in turn led to a series of events which changed my life: my first trip to Hong Kong in 2008, my decision to apply for my Hong Kong Identity card in 2010. These experiences have completely transformed the way I view myself as a Hong Kong Canadian and more broadly as an member of the overseas Chinese diaspora.
How has the sport become a ritual in your life? 賽龍舟如何變成你生命中的一種儀式?
While the logistics are a routine, the physical preparation to practice or race cannot be just a routine — it is in fact a ritual. Take race day for example: the steps are the same but as you repeat each step you need to revisit its meaning and intention each and every time. That means actively thinking about and processing the purpose and meaning of what you are doing so you are not just going through the motions. In that sense, even though I’ve been to the start line thousands of times, every race situation is new and novel, and breathes life into the ritual of racing.
訓練已經成為習慣的一部分,為了比賽而作的體能準備,卻不能視作例行公事 – 那其實是一種儀式。 以比賽的日子作例子:那些步驟是一樣的,但當你重複這些步驟時,每一步和每一次你都需要重新檢視它背後的意義和意圖。那意味著主動地思考和處理其目的和你為什麼要這樣做的意義,而你並不是在無意識地進行那些動作。這麼說來,雖然我已經踏在起步線上數千次,每次的比賽狀況都是全新的,為比賽注入新的空氣與生命力。
Terence, how would you recruit new members to your dragon boat team? What would you tell them about the sport? 你是如何招募新成員的?你會怎樣宣揚這項運動呢?
Terence Yu (Left)
Years Paddling: 7
Ted Yuen (Right)
Years Paddling: 18
The sport of dragon boat in Canada is all about family. Each dragon boat team needing a minimum of 20 paddlers, it sets the environment as the ultimate team sport, so if anyone is looking for a way to stay active, make new friends and have fun while doing it, dragon boat is something you should consider. This is what Chinese culture is about, honouring and including everyone as family.
在加拿大賽龍舟的隊友就像家人一樣。因為一個龍舟隊至少需要二十名划手,所以這項運動真的是培養團隊精神的最好方式。若有人正在尋找一個可以訓練身體又可以交新朋友的體育運動,那就應該考慮龍舟競賽。同時,這項運動也反映著中國文化裡 “四海之內皆兄弟也”的念頭。划龍舟跟中國文化一樣重視尊重及包容別人。
Ted, why do you think dragon boating has increased in popularity over the years? 你覺得為什麼划龍舟變得越來越受歡迎呢?
For people who like to compete, dragon boating is probably one of the most intense sports you can get into. It is a great full body workout and definitely great cardio. As for cultural reasons, some Asians participate at first because it is part of our culture/heritage. But it is not primarily Asians that participate in this sport anymore; there is a good balance of people of different backgrounds that participate. Team bonding and building with a group of friends and/or family is great motivation. Most teams are very tight knit; all the teams I have paddled for become my second family.
In your opinion, what are some reasons for the recent increase of interest in the sport? 你認為是什麼原因,令到這項運動引起越來越多人的興趣?
Kay Huynh
Years Paddling: 8
Social media has really helped increase the exposure of dragon boating and allowing others to see how it can be such an exciting team sport. Participants are also very actively encouraging their friends to join because of the challenge and comradery that comes with being on a such a tight knit team.
Your favourite thing about dragon boating? 你加入龍舟隊以來有什麼難忘的時刻?
My favourite thing about dragon boating is moment at the start of every race where the focus and concentration of your teammates becomes almost surreal. A mix of nerves, excitement, and exhilaration that can be felt in the entire boat, and for two minutes you are giving it your all until you cross the line. Regardless of the result, there is always a sensation of joy that overwhelms the body from a hard fought battle.
每場比賽的開始時都是我在賽龍舟時的難忘時刻。每個隊員們的集中和專注到不真實的程度,每個人都非常興奮,為了比賽躍躍欲試, 但同時處於焦急中,因為你見到你四周的其他隊伍也正為了比賽而急不及待。當所有的船隻在起點準備就緒,安靜下來,每當聽到那一聲「起賽響號」,我的腎上腺素便隨之狂飆,因為我知道接下來的短短兩分鐘我必須傾盡全力。無論輸贏,比賽結束後的成就感是無法代替的。
What is your most memorable moment from dragon boating? 你在划龍舟的數年來,有沒有什麼難忘的時刻呢?
Stephanie Chan
Years Paddling: 16
After 10 years of paddling with the same club, in 2016 we were finally able to win the Toronto Island Dragon Boat Race Festival Grand Championship. We had been a close second for many years but we were finally able to taste that sweet victory last year. I never would have imagined being at the top of the podium at such a big regatta when I first started dragon boating. There were definitely tears at the end of that race.
Without being a part of dragon boat, I never would have met my fiancé, Danny, whom I met during our first national team tryouts.
2016年跟一起經過十年參與龍舟比賽的朋友贏得多倫多龍舟比賽冠軍算是最難忘的吧! 幾年的努力,都只在亞軍的位置停留著,贏得冠軍真是夢寐以求的。一開始的時候,我沒有想過有一天我會站在台上獲得勝利榮耀,拿到冠軍的那天,我們的團隊也掉了不少眼淚。 若沒有參加龍舟運動,我也不會認識我的未婚夫。我們是在國家隊的選拔比賽認識的!
What does dragon boat mean to you? 划龍舟對你來說有什麼意義呢?
Dragon boat has been my life for the past decade. I have formed so many friendships with paddlers across the country and even when we race internationally, there are many familiar faces. My club team has become my family and I definitely would not be having as much fun without them. We’ve pushed each other past our limits, challenged ourselves physically and mentally, and have been there for each other through sweat and tears. I have formed relationships and memories that will last my lifetime.
在這十年內,龍舟佔了我生命的一切。因為比賽的時候我們常常會去加拿大不同的角落,所以我也交了無數的朋友。甚至到世界各地比賽的時候,我也會碰見熟悉的臉孔。我的隊友也變成我的家人。沒有他們,我也不會那麼享受這項運動。我們一起超越了身體上和精神上的底線; 一起流過汗也一起流過淚。建立的友誼和累積的回憶足夠讓我回味一輩子。
Are there particular races that stand out in your years of paddling? 在那麼多比賽裡,有沒有一個是特別印象深刻的?
Benjamin Choi
Years Paddling: 10
Two come to mind: firstly, winning the 500m mixed final at the 2012 Club Crew World Championships in Hong Kong. Our team was established in 2011 with the goal of simply qualifying for the 2012 World Championships. We were the 5th and final Canadian entry to qualify, and certainly never expected to be at the top of the world podium the following year. Many tears were shed with some of my closest friends.
More recently, my new club, New Dragons Racing Club (NDRC) won the 2016 Toronto International Dragon Boat Race Festival at Centre Island which became our most cherished local regatta.
我聯想到兩個比賽。第一是在香港的2012年度Club Crew界比賽贏得男女混合組500米項目。我們團隊當初在2011年建立的時候,為的是參加2012年度世界比賽的機會而已。我們是五個代表加拿大的團隊當中最後被揀選的,我們沒想過一年後,竟然會在那麼大型比賽拿到冠軍。我跟最要好的隊友那天開心到哭出來的。
第二個比賽是在2016年多倫多龍舟比賽贏得勝利。我的團隊New Dragons Racing Club,雖然在香港贏得冠軍,但是還沒有在多倫多本地拿過獎項。2016年的比賽,我們把冠軍搶回來。那是我們最珍惜的本地賽。