He Kun 賀昆 : Capturing the Reality of the Pandemic with Traditional Brush Painting
Interviewed by Fete Chinoise Team
Photography: Courtesy of He Kun
As featured in Edition No. 6 of Fete Chinoise Magazine: Time + Tempo
《孩子不哭》宣紙水墨設色, 賀昆, 2020年
《口罩下的我們 —— 頭像速寫之二》宣紙水墨設色, 賀昆,2020年
From my series “The Quiet Spring,” the beginnings of the virus can be seen — at the time it wasn’t perceived as too serious and no one could predict that just two months later, it would become a global pandemic. The development of the epidemic inspired several series of large- and small-scale ink paintings with profound reflections. “This Quiet Spring,” “Not Leaving Home This Spring,” “We are Fighting,” “Angels Fighting Sickness on Earth, Strict Control of the Disease in Villages,” “Under the Mask of Us,” and “Spring Flowers in Bloom” were all completed in tears; some were drawn with righteous indignation. And I trust these works will hold historical value and meaning because they record the early beginnings of the pandemic.
新冠肺炎病毒肆虐中國大地後蔓延全球,我很難過。每天從手機上閱覽各種有關疫情的報導、消息、文章,這成為我兩個多月來生活中主要關注的事情。春節前夕新冠肺炎病毒在武漢剛暴發時,我便開始以這個公共衛生健康事件為內容進行創作,從“這個春天靜悄悄”系列作品中可以看到,在疫情初期,我們並沒有感受到它的嚴重性,更沒有想到兩個月後它會成為全球人類的災難。圍繞疫情的發展,我至今創作了幾個主題系列的作品,大大小小的水墨作品已有幾十件,通過瞭解災情的事態消息報導,我通過深刻感受,進而創作,便形成了後來的主題組畫系列作品,包括 “這個春天靜悄悄”、“這個春天不出門”、“我們在戰鬥”、“除病痛天使在人間,戰疫情山村嚴防控”、“口罩下的我們”、“春天花會開”。這些作品有的是在含著眼淚的狀態下完成的,有的是在義憤情緒下畫完的,我相信這批作品未來會凸現出它的歷史價值和意義,因為它們完整地記錄了疫情從開始至今兩個多月期間,每個時段事態下我的思想。
《最美的人》宣紙水墨設色, 賀昆,2020年
For those unfamiliar with my work in printmaking and ink painting, I want to clarify that the subject of my work has always been focused on things found in real life: things of today and things of the past. I have always been interested in the phenomenon of people’s lives and their environments. Contemporary painters paint contemporary figures and events, which carry the sentiments of life, in turn, the works send out a message that can touch people: the work is a life that can be seen and felt, a life that breathes with the people and society. From a historical perspective, those in the future will be able to know what our contemporary world was like and what contemporary artists were thinking through these works. My collection, inspired during the pandemic, aligns perfectly with the subject matter that my works have always embraced. This tragic virus inspired me to create paintings of many people I had never depicted in my corpus before.
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I want to emphasize that artists should fulfill a professional duty with the people and events of the pandemic. The series of “Under the Mask of Us” portrays the courage of the medical staff — our everyday heroes. I found that the love of humanity is perfectly reflected in their image. The portraits embrace sadness, helplessness, determination, bravery, and hope. During this disaster, medical staff stood on the frontiers; they risked their bodies to save life after life. They are truly worthy of respect.
《天使在人間》宣紙水墨設色, 賀昆,2020年
A person’s cultural cultivation is constantly being built through study and application of knowledge. No one is born with wisdom, and I believe one only needs to complete one contribution in one’s lifetime and that knowledge is collected to make this one single contribution. Artists remembered in history have all created a unique aesthetic vision: from the Renaissance to modern times, each artist recognized in every era is great, not solely because of their works but because of their artistic style and talent that help to form unprecedented aesthetic ideals.
《口罩下的我們 —— 頭像速寫之三》宣紙水墨設色, 賀昆,2020年
《口罩下的我們 —— 頭像速寫之一》宣紙水墨設色, 賀昆,2020年
We know from history that with every major disaster, timeless works and outstanding artists will appear as well. Of course, there will also be many who appear under the banner of ‘artist’; but serious and outstanding work is the result of profound artistic cultivation with distinct artistic style and a vivid artistic perspective, which appears in the work. COVID-19 will also produce excellent works and artists.
賀昆 He kun
Even though it may be hard to imagine life after COVID-19, politicians will surely rethink and renew their understanding of social governance. It is not just a matter of public health, but also the ideologies under Eastern and Western cultures that will be revisited. The idea of the shared fate of humanity will become a topic of contemplation as well. If anyone thinks that the world can be divided into parts, the era of modern civilization will regress into “hermit” nations fighting only for their own survival. Still, thinking through all this is the work of politicians and leaders of each region. I believe people will go back to their regular ways of living, eating and drinking, working during the day and resting at night.
Finally, I pray for those who passed away due to the unfortunate infection of the virus. God bless the people of the world and China.
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