The Past and Present of Beijing's Siheyuan 北京四合院的前世今生
English 英: Beverly Cheng · Chinese 中:已不在穆里的根叔
Photography: Ziyu Zhuang of BUZZ/BÜRO
「建築是具有自治性的,故而融入『當地文化』不應該是建築的唯一追求。在中文語境裡,我們經常把文化(culture)和文脈(context)混淆,文化是流動的,然而實質上建築更多情況下是在地的,作為建築師,我們能掌握更多的是關於文脈層面。」屢獲殊榮的年青建築師莊子玉在設計其北京鼓樓七號院的新工作室時,就巧妙地糅合了傳統文化、當代建築和在地設計的精髓,實踐 「以人為本」的建築理念,為北京老城內的四合院注入新生命。
三千年歷史旳北京,擁有二千一百五十萬人口,於過去三十年間迅速發展,絕對是一個令人驚歎連連的都會。RSAA/Bür 首席建築師暨合伙人莊子玉,於2010年毅然回流到他度過童年的北京,並創立了莊子玉工作室。北京急促發展帶來眼花繚亂的銳變,他都一一看在眼內。
「在過去的三十載,北京經歷了戲劇性的轉變。從前我到親友家串門子,都是在胡同裡的。今天卻只剩下不到 1% 的人口住在這些老房子裡。」——莊子玉
Knowing that he wanted to move his architecture studio from a lacklustre glass tower in Guomao financial district to something more inspiring, Ziyu turned to Beijing’s Old Town because of its timeless character and proximity to downtown. Finding a suitable historic building proved to be challenging because of their scarcity. Presently, there are less than 20,000 properties available, with some larger, luxury properties going for a whopping 2 billion RMB (198 million CAD).
When he first set foot in the courtyard-siheyuan in Dongjiaogan Hutong, which would become Courtyard No. 7 of the Drum Tower, Ziyu gasped at seeing two of Beijing’s 600-year-old landmarks, the Bell Tower and Drum Tower, overhead. Views of the nearby historic landmarks inspired Ziyu to incorporate more of the outdoor areas and build upwards, creating a terraced rooftop where his team could connect and socialize, or simply admire unobstructed views of the surrounding neighbourhood.
莊子玉第一次踏進這座鼓樓七號院,抬頭看到眼前已聳立了六百年的地標鐘樓、鼓樓和周遭饒有歷史的建築,便決心把新工作室 「向上發展」,同時加設廣闊的戶外空間。開通不同界面的空間平台、將房與房之間連繫起來,也是他的建築哲學。
This innovative new glass addition atop the traditional structure is groundbreaking, and brings new meaning to the courtyard building. Traditionally, rooftops in historic Chinese buildings were not used as a functional space. They were decorative features that had symbolic meaning, showing the prestige of the family residing within its stone walls. By transforming the rooftop into a social space, Ziyu has adapted it for contemporary use. His human-centric design approach continues in his treatment of the disjointed Northern, Eastern and Western wings of the courtyard by connecting the areas with a glass atrium that serves to both expand the space and ensure there are communal areas where different teams can meet. An additional floor was also added to the Southern wing to create more space for gatherings and meetings.
“Unlike Western architecture, in which the door, windows and everything is fixed, the walls in traditional Chinese architecture have no supportive function and you can design the building more easily.”
While studying at Columbia University, Ziyu was fascinated at how the fluidity of Chinese language and culture affected design. “The way you speak really influences your perception of reality. Chinese language is very flexible, and you can easily change the order of your grammar and switch up the same words to form completely different meanings. How we speak also informs how we live and adapt easily” recalls Ziyu. “Unlike Western architecture, in which the door, windows and everything is fixed, the walls in traditional Chinese architecture have no supportive function and you can design the building more easily.”
Image: Turning Red, Disney+
The change in scenery has also made a mark on the team’s design direction, with the studio taking on more projects that adapt traditional Chinese buildings for modern use. For Ziyu, he sees this shift as evidence that his team is being inspired through their personal experiences with the space and architecture, rather than incorporating Chinese elements for merely aesthetic value or artifice.
“I don’t see Guomao as modern and new or the Old Town traditional and old. They’re part of the same evolving city that changes in scale. My choice to move to a hutong was not about looking backwards at history. It’s about looking at humanity, at how humans live,” says Ziyu. By adapting historic courtyards to contemporary times, he believes the buildings suitable for modern use because they are on a human scale and add to the overall diversity of the city.
“Diversity in architecture is the belief that everyone has a say. It comes from the people at the bottom who dictate how they want to live in a city, not from the top down (...) Architecture should come back to people’s lives, how we live and what our needs are.”
In recent years, Beijing’s Old Town is undergoing a massive renewal project with many inhabited hutongs being cleaned up and renovated. “It’s a pity that there are renovations to the Qing Dynasty buildings and they’re trying to restore it back to the way it was 200-300 years ago. For me, this is nonsense,” opines Ziyu. According to Ziyu, before the Beijing Olympics in 2008, the city was a destination for emerging designers. In the Old Town, underground punk culture flourished, and many of the seemingly dilapidated courtyards were alive with artist workshops and hidden bars where creatives would meet. The area was known as “Beijing’s Brooklyn” because of its bubbling creative energy. Today, remnants of this subculture barely remain.
“Diversity in architecture is the belief that everyone has a say. It comes from the people at the bottom who dictate how they want to live in a city, not from the top down” says Ziyu. This is not the way things are done typically in Classical Modernist city zoning that designates specific locations for offices, residential areas and shopping zones. Architecture should come back to people’s lives, how we live and what our needs are.”
Carried by the River, an original play by Diana Tso 曹楓, is a transformative journey about Kai, a young Asian woman raised in Canada, who uncovers a life-altering truth after her mother’s passing and embarks on a trip to China. The production, which touches on themes of memory and and identity, features performances by Shiong-en Chan, emerging dancer Tai Wei Foo 符岱微, and music by Alice Ping Yee Ho 何冰頤. Directed and choreographed by William Yong 楊漢源, the play will be staged at Tarragon Extraspace from March 8 to 23, 2025.