INTRODUCING THE MACALLAN GLOBAL ANNUAL LIMITED EDITION: The Perfect Festive Gift 「年」在一起 – 隆重介紹麥卡倫全球年度限量酒款 佳節送禮的完美之選
Sponsored by THE MACALLAN
麥卡倫全新推出的A Night On Earth In Scotland單一麥芽威士忌,揭示了蘇格蘭世界聞名的大年夜慶典「Hogmanay」的典故,並歌頌新年伊始的喜樂。此款年度限量酒款由麥卡倫名師打造,口感輕軟順滑。無論是自用或是禮赠親朋、好友、商業夥伴,都是慶賀新年的理想之選。
The first in a new annual limited edition gifting series, A Night On Earth In Scotland is a collaboration with acclaimed Japanese-French illustrator Erica Dorn, whose artwork has been featured in leading director Wes Anderson’s films. She has also previously created designs for some of the world’s leading luxury brands.
作為麥卡倫全新年度限量版禮品系列的第一款,A Night On Earth In Scotland誠邀到著名法籍日裔插畫師Erica Dorn聯乘設計。Erica Dorn的藝術作品曾在知名導演Wes Anderson的電影中出現。他的設計亦曾被不同的世界頂級奢華品牌採用。
Presented as part of innovative multi-layered packaging that provides an exceptional unboxing experience, Erica Dorn’s playful abstract illustrations are inspired by the historic fire rituals dominant in New Year celebrations around the world.
A Night On Earth In Scotland採用了一個創新的多層包裝設計,讓用家或收禮者在打開包裝時驚喜處處,趣味盎然。Erica Dorn的抽象插畫靈感源自世界各地在新年時所進行與火有關的禮儀。
They also reveal some of the distinctive customs of Scotland’s Hogmanay, including the tradition of first footing when it is good luck for a dark-haired visitor to be the first person to enter your home after midnight, bearing symbolic gifts – whisky, coal and Scottish shortbread - that aim to bring comfort and happiness in the year ahead.
圖案亦沁入了蘇格蘭大年夜慶典Hogmanay的傳統,如幸運的第一步(first footing)-蘇格蘭人相信在除夕夜午夜十二時後,如有一位深色頭髮並帶備威士忌、煤炭和蘇格蘭黃油脆餅的人成為家庭的第一位訪客,將為這家庭在未來一年帶來喜樂及幸運。
Other design elements focus on the flavours found within the remarkable whisky crafted by The Macallan Lead Whisky Maker, Sarah Burgess, who drew on fond family memories of Hogmanay to create a rich, evocative single malt.
設計的其他部分集中於這優秀威士忌的豐富味道,藉以帶出麥卡倫威士忌釀酒師Sarah Burgess的初心。她憑著大年夜慶典Hogmanay 的美好回憶而釀製出這醇厚及令人回味的單一麥芽威士忌。
Sarah Burgess said: “Crafting A Night On Earth In Scotland has been an extremely personal experience for me, which took me back to growing up in our family home in Speyside, just across the river from The Macallan Estate.
Sarah Burgess解説道:「釀製A Night On Earth In Scotland 對我來説是一次非常個人化的體驗,讓我回想在斯貝賽老家成長的日子,我家就在麥卡倫莊園的對岸。」
“The whisky’s vanilla sweetness references the rich Scottish shortbread traditionally gifted and eaten at Hogmanay, while notes of dried orange and spice recall the flavours and aromas that filled our house through the festive season.
“Encapsulating the hopes and dreams of Hogmanay celebrations past, present and future, it also conveys the unwavering human desire to spend special times with loved ones.”
Erica Dorn said: “Fire plays a significant role in New Year celebrations around the world. Around its warmth we gather our families, friends, and loved ones to share memories and future hopes. Through its purifying qualities we release the past to clear the way for the future. In its dancing light we find solace from cold winter nights, as we have done since the dawn of time. Though the fire rituals may differ from culture to culture, fire is universal in its ability to unite us and bring us ‘home’.
Erica Dorn則説:「火在世界各地的新年慶祝活動均具有重要的象徵意義。在火的溫暖包圍下,我們與親人、朋友及所愛的人一同分享回憶和展望未來。透過火的淨化特質我們放開過去擁抱將來。自古以來,躍動的火光為我們在寒冷的冬夜裏帶來慰藉。儘管使用火的禮儀在不同文化中或有所不同,但相同的是火能把人團結起來,也能把我們帶回『家』。」
“The colours for this presentation box were selected with a particular journey in mind: first, red for merriment, vitality, good fortune and joy; blue to remind us of a winter evening in Scotland, in all its peace and stillness; and finally, amber – in tribute to the sweet aroma of soft butter and freshly baked shortbread, which were an inspiration for Sarah Burgess in the creation of this whisky.”
「這個禮盒的顏色是根據一個特定的旅程選擇的:首先,紅色代表歡樂、活力、吉祥和喜悦;藍色使我們想起和平與寂靜的蘇格蘭冬夜;最後,琥珀色是向香軟黃油和新鮮出爐脆餅的甜美香氣致敬,因為它是Sarah Burgess 創造這款威士忌的靈感來源。」
The Macallan Brand Ambassador Cameron Millar explained, ‘this very special single malt was created from a selection of The Macallan’s exceptional sherry seasoned American and European oak casks, along with American ex-bourbon barrels which deliver that rich, sweet shortbread-like character. With a soft, velvety mouth-feel, it showcases the skill of our whisky maker, and The Macallan’s commitment to craftsmanship and uncompromised excellence.’
麥卡倫品牌大使Cameron Millar解䆁:「這非常特别的單一麥芽威士忌是結合了麥卡倫精心挑選的優質美國和歐洲雪莉酒潤橡木桶,加上曾釀製波旁酒(Bourbon)的美國酒桶釀製而成,味道醇厚並帶有黄油脆餅的甜香。它輕軟順滑的口感彰顯了釀酒師的超凡技藝和麥卡倫對極致工藝的堅持。」
A Night On Earth In Scotland will be available in 750ml bottles (43% ABV) at a suggested retail price of $175.00 and is set to hit shelves in most Canadian major markets in the coming weeks. For further information, visit
麥卡倫A Night On Earth In Scotland單一麥芽威士忌750毫升瓶裝(酒精度:43%)的建議零售價為加幣$175.00元。這酒款將於未來數週在加拿大大部分主要市場發售。欲瞭解更多資訊,請瀏覽。
From Scotland to you, The Macallan wishes you a Happy New Year!
As the Lunar New Year ushers in the Year of the Snake, a symbol of wisdom, elegance, and renewal, we celebrate the beauty of tradition and the promise of new beginnings. This year's gift guide honours the intricate symbolism of the serpent, a creature revered for its grace and transformation, offering a thoughtful selection of gifts for women, men, home, and children.