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Multicultural Maestro: Jeffrey Remedios Orchestrates the Future of Recorded Music 多元文化音樂大師

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ENGLISH 英 :  Deirdre Kelly | CHINESE 中 :  謝慧玲 Linda Tse

VENUE: Universal Music Canada
Video Production: Karl Man, Eyespie Productions
Fashion Stylist: Ashley Galang
COORDINATION: Rhonda Lam, Kayla Lo, Ashley Ballantyne
As featured in Fête Chinoise Annual Book of INcredible People Edition 10: Thinking in Decades

In February 2025, Jeffrey was appointed President & CEO, Republic COLLECTIVE, marking a new chapter in his career as he transitions from his decade-long tenure at Universal Music Canada. His journey continues to evolve as he brings his wealth of experience and unwavering dedication to artists to this exciting new role. This interview, which took place during the summer of 2024, allowed us to get a meaningful glimpse of his impressive journey in the music industry.

In Universal Music Canada’s innovative headquarters in Toronto’s Liberty Village, Jeffrey Remedios oversees a creative hub that opened its doors in 2022, marking a new chapter for the company in the post-pandemic era. The space, designed to foster collaboration, imagination and innovation, features state-of-the-art recording studios, a performance venue and open-concept office areas bathed in natural light.

Remedios’ office, with its wraparound windows offering views of Lake Ontario, houses an eclectic collection of mementoes chronicling his decades-long journey in the music industry. Framed platinum records share space with vintage scores, while an original handwritten manuscript of Yesterday by The Beatles takes pride of place. Books on popular music, a turntable and family photos add personal touches to the space, reflecting the multifaceted interests of this 47-year-old music mogul. On his wrists, he wears his father's jade and gold cufflinks from Hong Kong, the same ones he wore at his wedding in 2015 - a subtle nod to his heritage and the importance of family in his life.

Outfit from Jeffrey Remedios

Throughout the headquarters, large black-and-white photos of Universal’s recording artists, including Nelly Furtado, Shawn Mendes, Justin Bieber, Alessia Cara and The Weeknd adorn the walls, showcasing the breadth of talent under Remedios’ leadership. This visual representation of the company’s roster serves as a constant reminder of the diverse musical landscape Remedios navigates daily.

一個辦公室多少可以看出主人的品味及性格:眺望安大略湖景的大窗框、鑲有多張白金唱片的紀念相框、復古樂譜、一份披頭四《Yesterday》的手稿,這就是加拿大環球唱片公司行政總裁Jeffrey Remedios在多倫多環球音樂加拿大創新總部的辦公室。位於多倫多Liberty Village的環球音樂創意中心自2022啟用,為環球音樂加拿大創新總部在後疫情時代開創新一頁。中心內設有最先進的錄音室、表演場地和自然採光的開放式辦公區,鼓勵交流合作、追求無限想像,不斷創新;牆上掛滿環球唱片藝人的大幅黑白照片,包括Nelly Furtado、Shawn Mendes、Justin Bieber、Alessia Cara和The Weeknd等,展示著才華橫溢的藝人陣容及多元音樂版圖。


Outfit from Jeffrey Remedios

Remedios brings a unique multicultural perspective to the music industry, shaped by his Macau-born Portuguese parents and Canadian upbringing. This diverse background, rooted in his family’s history, has profoundly influenced his approach to music and leadership. His maternal grandfather, a respected doctor in Hong Kong, instilled in the family a deep appreciation for education and international exposure.

Raised in Scarborough, Ont., the youngest of three brothers, Remedios’ formative years were characterized by a blend of diverse cultural influences. “My parents are Portuguese from Macau, Hong Kong. The Portuguese settled in Macau and built a colony and were there for 500 years, until ’99. This Portuguese community integrated with the Chinese community over hundreds of years. And I come from this culture which is this mix of cultures,” he explains, his voice steady and thoughtful. Wearing a white shirt and blue trousers that reflect his sporty yet urbane style, he sits comfortably on a three-seater couch in his airy, well-lit workspace. The room’s inviting ambience mirrors his relaxed confidence—a trait that has solidified his reputation as a respected global music industry figurehead.

That confidence is deeply rooted in his upbringing and the traditional values of hard work, respect, and community that his parents instilled in him.


Top and Pants from Jeffrey Remedios.


Remedios’ parents immigrated to Canada in the 1960s, a time of significant upheaval in Hong Kong. “There was much internal conflict within the Communist Party in China at the time, and we just didn’t know what was going to happen,” Remedios says. Canada was chosen because it recognized his mother’s teaching degree from the University of Hong Kong, while other family members moved to California or Australia.

“For them, it was a time of uncertainty. They wanted us to be raised purely as Canadian kids,” he adds. This blend of cultural pride and integration was a cornerstone of his upbringing. “We were raised with the value of balancing our heritage with being proudly Canadian.”

From an early age, Remedios immersed himself in music, playing guitar and saxophone, and managing his high school rock band. His entrepreneurial spirit was evident as he booked gigs for the band by age 15. “I was into marketing young! We were all from Scarborough, from different high schools, and we called the band Eastbound to Kennedy. My theory was everyone riding the subway is always going to see the name of our band and think about us,” he laughs.

Jeffrey媽媽在香港大學修讀的教育學位獲加拿大認受,因此他的父母選擇移居加拿大; 其他家族成員則選擇移民美國加州及澳州。

Jacket and Pants by Tiger of Sweden. Shoes by Christian Louboutin. Shirt from Jeffrey Remedios' Personal Collection.

自小熱愛音樂的Jeffrey除了會彈鋼琴和吹色士風,15歲時更與朋友自組高中搖滾樂隊,其生意頭腦早就在管理樂隊時顯露出來。他笑說,「我自小便對市場營銷感興趣!樂隊成員都來自士嘉堡內不同的高中,所以隊名叫Eastbound to Kennedy。我的構想是每位乘坐地鐵的乘客都會因為看到樂隊名字而想到我們。」

Jeffrey的音樂熱情在就讀McMaster University時一直延續,一邊主修商業,一邊副修音樂,在校期間更擔任校園電台CFMU台長。畢業後,他進入Virgin Records加拿大分公司工作,並在25歲時火速晉升為全國推廣總監。2003年,他與朋友Kevin Drew共同創立了獨立音樂公司Arts & Crafts,為加拿大獨立樂隊Broken Social Scene發行專輯《You Forgot It in People》。

His passion for music continued at McMaster University, where he earned a commerce degree and a music minor while serving as station manager for the campus radio station CFMU. His first industry job at Virgin Records Canada saw him rapidly ascend to director of national promotion by 25. Armed with experience at a major label across multiple departments and big ideas of his own, in 2003, he co-founded indie powerhouse Arts & Crafts with friend Kevin Drew, providing a platform for Broken Social Scene’s breakout You Forgot It in People album.

Under Remedios’ guidance, Arts & Crafts flourished into an influential tastemaker, fostering a collaborative community and championing an individualized approach with marquee acts like Feist, Stars and Dan Mangan. Its success attracted Universal, who named Remedios CEO of their Canadian operations in 2015.

Outfit from Jeffrey Remedios

At Universal, Remedios has continued to draw on his unique background to shape the company's approach. “Life was about this pride of identity with integration into the community. So how can you be an active participant in the community you’re in while being strictly proud of where you come from?” This philosophy has informed his leadership style and the company’s artist development strategies. Under his leadership, Universal Music Canada has embraced digital transformation, supported diverse voices and championed innovative projects, launching initiatives to support emerging artists and incorporating AI technology to enhance music production.

在Jeffrey的指導下,Arts & Crafts蓬勃發展成為具影響力的品牌,同時一直致力支持Feist、Stars和Dan Mangan等著名藝術家的發展,並為Jeffrey贏得環球音樂公司的賞識。2015年,他被任命為環球音樂加拿大的首席執行總監,繼續以獨特的文化觸覺帶領公司發展。他說:「生活離不開自我身份認同及聯繫社群,所以你應思考如何成為所在社區的積極參與者,同時為自我身份感到驕傲。」這哲學性議題解釋了他的管理風格和對公司的發展策略。在他的領導下,環球音樂加拿大積極迎合數碼化轉型,支持多元不同的聲音,同時倡導創新項目,支持新晉音樂家,並引入AI(人工智慧)技術來提昇音樂製作質量。

When not shaping the Canadian music landscape, Remedios finds harmony at home in Toronto with his wife Lucia Graca, a renowned photographer, and their two young children, Silas and Luna. Here, his multicultural heritage comes to life in unexpected ways. “It's very important to me that our children know their history, and know how we were raised: our lineage, our ancestry. You get there through language, through cuisine, but mostly through values like hard work, curiosity, kindness and empathy.”

Outfit from Jeffrey Remedios

The fusion of cultures that defines Remedios’ background is perhaps most tangibly expressed through food. “I was raised on minchee and rice. Minchee is a classic Macanese dish: it's very simple,” he shares, highlighting the unique blend of Portuguese and Asian influences in Macanese cuisine. “I’ve just started to learn how to make Macanese curry chicken," he adds, illustrating how he’s keeping these culinary traditions alive for his own family.

Remedios’ parents, Maria Lourdes and Henrique Teresa, now 85 and 90 respectively, continue to play a pivotal role in his life and the lives of his children. “My parents are proudly themselves, there to share work and tell stories, read books—they are the main characters in our kids’ lives,” Remedios shares. “In this beautiful and incredible way, they also allow us to be parents. They get that balance right.”

Jeffrey事業繁忙,但他一定會花時間與妻子——著名攝影師Lucia Graca——以及兩名小孩Silas和Luna共享天倫。Jeffrey表示:「對我而言,讓孩子了解家族歷史是非常重要的。通過語言、美食,我們可以向下一代介紹我們的文化;但更重要是在養育孩子的過程中,向他們灌輸各種價值觀,例如勤奮、好奇心、善良和同情心,互相學習及成長。」Jeffrey的父母,現年85歲的Maria Lourdes及90歲的Henrique Teresa,也在他和孩子的生活中扮演重要的角色。「我的父母會自豪地與我們分享工作、講故事、讀書——他們是孩子們生命中的重要人物。」 

Outfit from Jeffrey Remedios

This strong family foundation has provided Remedios with the resilience and perspective needed to navigate the ever-changing music industry. “I think if you want to thrive in the music business you have to love change. You have to be comfortable in the uncomfortable,” he says. “Great artists continue to find their way to forge a path where their music is.”

As technological disruption reshapes how music is created and consumed, Remedios sees both challenges and opportunities. “AI presents an enormous opportunity for artists. Provided artists are credited, given a chance to give their consent, and compensated, AI can be a wonderful tool for the continued technological changes we see in music today and going into the future.”

Remedios also contemplates the future of his cultural heritage. “In a way, we’re the last generation because by and large we are not marrying and staying within the Macanese community. My wife was born in Buenos Aires, so it’s a whole other mix of culture and community. So for our kids, it’s being proudly Canadian, understanding where their grandparents came from, understanding how we were raised.”

Jacket and Pants by Tiger of Sweden. Shirt from Jeffrey Remedios' Personal Collection.


Looking ahead, Remedios remains optimistic about the future of music and his role within it. “You plan and God laughs,” he says with a smile. “I'm excited for the adventure; the human side of artistry is what has connected us for so long, and I don't see that changing. At the end of the day, what has been true is artists create and fans consume and participate in this symbiotic relationship with the artist and the fan. Everything else will continue to evolve, but that human connection will always remain at the heart of it all.”

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