Johnnie To: Master of Hong Kong Cinema 杜琪峯: 香港電影不死

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ENGLISH 英 : Jason Au | CHINESE 中 : Ken Li
Interviewer: Skye CHan

VIDEOGRAPHER: Breaking Rice Studios 
Photography: Berton Chang 
COORDINATION: Elaine Chu, Rhonda Lam
As featured in Fête Chinoise Annual Book of INcredible People Edition 10: Thinking in Decades

In the pantheon of Hong Kong cinema, Johnnie To Kei-fung stands as a colossus. With a career spanning over five decades, To has evolved from a commercial success to an internationally acclaimed auteur, leaving an indelible mark on the industry alongside contemporaries such as Wong Kar-wai, Tsui Hark, and John Woo.

To’s career began in 1972 as a 17-year-old messenger at TVB, Hong Kong’s premier television network. “I knew nothing about being a director before joining TVB,” says To in a recent interview. There, he fell under the tutelage of Yale-educated Chung King-fai, a pioneering figure in Hong Kong’s contemporary performing arts scene, who sparked To’s passion for the movies. “It was Chung who nurtured my interest in cinema and taught me the theories behind Western filmmaking.”

「香港電影不會死,互聯網及串流平台興起只是媒體不同,仍然需要大量內容製作者。只要電影人願意轉變、轉型,配合時代,說出時代的故事,華人電影仍然有很大發展空間,可以再創另一高峰。」今年69歲、獲獎無數的香港導演、編劇和監製杜琪峯(Johnnie To),一邊點燃深愛的雪茄,一邊呷咖啡,侃侃而談,對香港電影前景仍然充滿期盼。


Rising through the ranks, To eventually became a producer and director, working across multiple genres while learning on the job. His transition from television to film was marked by a series of commercial successes in the 1980s, including the popular Happy Ghost series. However, it was in the 1990s that To began to develop his distinctive style, blending commercial appeal with artistic vision.

To’s creative process, honed over years, is as enigmatic as it is effective. “I often begin by staring at a blank sheet of paper for half an hour without writing anything down,” To shares. This solitary, unpredictable method has yielded some of Hong Kong's most critically acclaimed films, including PTU, Breaking News, Throw Down and Running on Karma. On set, To is known for his improvisational approach, often puzzling his crew as he wanders around, visualizing scenes in his mind before bringing them to life.




In 1996, amidst a drastic decline in Hong Kong's film industry, To co-founded Milkyway Image with fellow Hong Kong filmmaker Wai Ka-fai. This move came at a crucial juncture, as many of their contemporaries were departing for Hollywood. The industry was facing rapidly declining revenues and uncertainty surrounding Hong Kong's return to China and the Asian Financial Crisis. Their production house initially teetered on bankruptcy, saved by a $250,000 investment from a Taiwanese associate.

Through Milkyway Image, To produced a string of notable titles including Election, Election 2 (a.k.a. Triad Election), Exiled, Mad Detective and Drug War. These films, known for their stylish narratives, innovative action choreography, and intricate portrayal of triad societies, have graced prestigious festivals in Cannes, Venice, Berlin, and Toronto. To’s ability to blend political commentary with gripping storytelling has earned him the reputation as the “godfather of modern Hong Kong gangster cinema,” with his work drawing parallels to that of Scorsese and Coppola.



To remains humble in spite of his success. “I'm still a student of my craft,” he says. “I haven't created the perfect film yet.” This humility is reflected in his approach to filmmaking, which is rooted in a deep understanding of both talent and perseverance. “Talent is crucial—you either have it or you don’t.” However, talent by itself won’t suffice, he adds, explaining why he constantly advises aspiring filmmakers to embrace lifelong learning and balance commercial success with creative freedom.

In the early 2000s, To put this philosophy into action by establishing the Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival, vital platforms for nurturing young filmmakers. These initiatives have been instrumental in inspiring and supporting the next generation of cinematic talent. To’s commitment to mentorship extends beyond these programs; he actively collaborates with and nurtures younger, up-and-coming filmmakers through Milkyway Image.

To recognizes the difficulties this new generation faces, such as the rise of streaming platforms and shifts in the Asian film market. “They're a product of our digital era,” he observes. “While content makers can leverage additional platforms, securing funding in this evolving landscape remains a challenge.” The Hong Kong film industry also faces political realities and market fluctuations that complicate success for filmmakers. However, To remains optimistic about Hong Kong cinema’s future. “We haven't seen the best from the Hong Kong and Chinese film industries yet,” he asserts. He envisions a global market for Hong Kong cinema, not limited to Asia but expanding worldwide, driven by recent waves of emigration. For Hong Kong's unique cinematic culture to thrive, it must reach broader audiences beyond its traditional markets.


「電影,其實是動態影像(Motion Picture),用鏡頭講說話。可以用鏡頭交代的,便不用對白。」對杜Sir影響最深遠的兩位導演分別是胡金銓及日本的黑澤明。《柔道龍虎榜》便是杜Sir向黑澤明致敬的電影,亦是杜Sir認為較能反映他拍攝風格的一部重要作品。  

杜Sir入行至今已經超過50年,拍過無數經典作品,獲奬甚豐,2014年先後獲香港演藝學院頒發榮譽博士和香港浸會大學頒發榮譽文學博士,也是首位在威尼斯、康城及柏林三大國際影展均獲邀擔任主競賽評審的香港導演。杜Sir近年主要擔仼監製工作,縱使執導較少,但他對每部作品仍然非常執着,堅持要有創意及帶出訊息。「一個導演、電影人必須持續擴闊視野。學問很重要,理解人生也是一種學問。從前我不愛看書,現在看多了; 初期我不參加影展,現在我去過無數影展,互相觀摩,學習說故事的技巧、學習捕捉社會變化,以小事說大題目。總之,要不斷思考、創新,學習平衡商業元素之餘,加入個人風格或訊息。有時為了電影的整體表現,不想角色影響電影,甚至會放棄一些重量級明星。」


His perspective on cinema as a medium for cultural exchange is informed by his own experiences living abroad. In the early 1990s, To and his wife lived in Unionville, a suburb in the city of Markham, Ont., just north of Toronto. This period exposed him to a different cultural environment, which left a lasting impression on him. “Canada isn’t a place of extravagance,” he says. “But it has created an environment where people can truly embrace living.”

Thinking back on his time in Ontario, To fondly recalls the sense of community, the ease of travel, and the natural beauty of the province he encountered there. He also remembers picking corn and strawberries at local farms. He found places to hike within Ontario and experienced the kindness of neighbours who helped his wife with lawn maintenance and snow shovelling as she adjusted to suburban life in a foreign land.




His experiences in Canada taught him that people can relate to each other regardless of cultural differences. This lesson was further emphasized when he started attending film festivals in Europe and North America, and was surprised at the international audience his films had garnered. This realization reinforced his belief in the universal appeal of stories that authentically represent diverse experiences. “Cinema is a universal language,” said To in a previously published interview. “It allows us to understand each other, no matter where we come from.”

This belief in the power of cinema to bridge cultural divides has been a guiding principle throughout To’s career. Over the course of his 50-plus years in the entertainment and film industry, To has seen himself evolve from a commercially successful producer, director, and screenwriter to a production house founder and mentor to young, up-and-coming producers. As he continues to push the boundaries of his craft, To remains committed to his timeless creative process, always ready to sit alone and immerse himself in the act of creation, starting with a blank sheet of paper and waiting for the ideas to flow.

Looking to the future, To plans to continue learning his craft and pursuing projects that challenge both himself and his audience. He remains confident in the potential of Hong Kong and Chinese cinema: “The best is yet to come.”


90年代,杜Sir曾在多倫多Unionville生活一段時間,早已與加拿大結下不解緣。期間領略到加拿大人尊重社區、考慮他人的精神,令他對生活有另一種看法。加拿大多元、開放,人可以找到自己的生活步伐,回歸人的本質。「我很喜歡加拿大的生活, 樸素簡單,加拿大人也十分友善。在這裡生活未必精彩,但多元文化的城市生活,令一般傾向物質主義的香港人,有新的體會,思考人生的不同價值。」來加是一個放鬆的好機會,不過杜Sir大多選在9月「多倫多國際電影節」(TIFF)時到訪加拿大,順帶和電影界朋友見面敘舊,行程緊湊。


「香港電影新一輩創作人不似我們是跟隨師父從低學起的『紅褲仔』,他們是學院派,有思想有學識,只要有好的養份、Think Big有夢想,堅持創新,堅持理念,掌握時代及文化轉變,華人電影仍然有很大發展空間,靠着年輕一代可以再次爆發起來!  」

的確,由近年票房過億港元的《毒舌大狀》,到《年少日記》、《白日之下》、《正義迴廊》以至《飯氣攻心》等多部叫好又叫座的港產片,均可印證杜Sir的看法: 新晉導演執導,成本不高,部部洋溢個人風格,而且充份掌握時代及文化脈搏,令觀眾易有共鳴。期待杜Sir快有新作品推出,更期望港產片能再闖高峰,發光發亮。



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