The Movie Event You Need to be at: "Love and Bruises" Lou Ye Film Exhibition
Written by Jenni Li
Translated by Jennifer Lau
Photographs Courtesy of Toronto SinoLux Film
The 3rd Toronto SinoLux Exhibition: "Love and Bruises" Lou Ye Film Exhibition will be held at the TIFF Bell Lightbox from December 7 to 8.
Suzhou River
不知你有沒有機會在今年的 TIFF 上觀看鞏俐主演的婁燁導演作品「蘭心大劇院」呢?11月18日,就在萬眾矚目的金雞百花電影節開幕前一天,「蘭心大劇院」取消了展映,而這部影片是否能按原計劃在12月7日於全中國公映也充滿變數。
Perhaps many of you may have heard of the director, Lou Ye (婁燁) because recently his film Saturday Fiction, starring the superstar Gong Li, was selected for the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) 2019. But did you know that he has quite a controversial artistic journey in his own native country? Saturday Fiction, which played in Toronto in September 2019, is scheduled for its first screening in China on December 7. But as of today, it is still unknown whether it will appear on the silver screen in China.
Purple Butterfly
婁燁是中國大陸第六代導演代表人物之一,他的作品在當代社會環境下充滿了爭議。婁燁在中國被禁和曾被禁的作品包括「週末情人」(1995),「蘇州河」(2000),「頤和園」(2006),和「風中有朵雨做的雲」( 2016)。因為未經批准就參加電影節,婁燁本人也兩度受到禁止拍片的處罰。許多成功在大陸公映的婁燁作品,也經歷了數次無情的刪改才得以通過審核,在創作表達上受到了限制,令婁燁和觀眾們感到有些無奈。
Who is Lou Ye?
Lou Ye is part of the Sixth Generation of Chinese directors. He is a controversial character — a number of his works have either been censored or prohibited. The list includes Weekend Lover (1995); Suzhou River (2000); Summer Palace (2006); and The Shadow Play (2016). Consequently, he participated in many film festivals with these films which did not receive a seal of approval back home. He was also sentenced twice for some of his works. And sadly, many of Lou Ye’s commercially-successful films have actually been edited, cut, and censored multiple times.
第三屆多倫多華光電影展的主題是 —「Love and Bruises」(與婁燁電影「花」同名)婁燁電影展,將在12月7至8日舉辦,展映作品包括「蘇州河」,「推拿」,「浮城迷事」,和「紫蝴蝶」,是電影迷重溫婁燁作品的好機會。另外,我們還想與你分享一個影展折扣碼,詳情請見文末!
Besides being known for the sensitive topics found in his work, Lou Ye’s artistic style is also very unique. Using manual equipment, a play on depth of field, and iconic rainy scenes, he is able to construct an irreplaceable perspective.
The theme of the 3rd Toronto Sinolux Film Exhibition is “Love and Bruises” which is synonymous with the title of one of Lou Ye’s earlier works. You will have the opportunity to watch Suzhou River (2000); Blind Massage (2014); Mystery (2012); and Purple Butterfly (2003) in Toronto next month! And we have a discount code for you — details below!
Blind Massage
請登陸 TIFF 官方網站購票。
Fête Chinoise 的讀者可以使用優惠碼 SINOMM 獲得 $2 折扣。
Visit TIFF to book your tickets!
Fête Chinoise Email subscribers can use SINOMM to get a $2 discount! For more event information and show times, please visit Sinolux Official Website.
If you attend the film exhibition, make sure to leave us a comment!