Posts tagged purple
【Tradition Explained】The Story of Purple in China【傳統解碼】孔子厭惡的「紫色」寓意高貴?

Which of the many colours best represents Chinese culture? Readers might say, the answer is obvious: Red! Indeed, the ancient Chinese people also appreciated colours other than red: colours such as purple. In this article, our contributor, Christina Han, shared the cultural history of purple in China. “From a much stigmatized colour, to technological wonder, a manifestation of Daoist spirituality, and finally a symbol of imperial authority, the colour purple evolved through China’s long history and eventually became an important part of Chinese visual culture. The story of purple reminds us of the rich diversity within Chinese culture that often gets overshadowed by simplified and exoticized representations of China inspired by popular consumerism and Orientalism. So next time you celebrate the Spring Festival, add a bit of purple in the sea of red and gold, and welcome the purple air coming from the east!”

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