Fête Chinoise Magazine Edition No.8 : Into the Unknown 未知 ⋅ 未來

Fête Chinoise Magazine Edition No.8 : Into the Unknown 未知 ⋅ 未來


Into the Unknown, celebrates the human spirit in the face of unknowns, uncertainty and adversity. Also known as: jumping in with both feet or taking a huge leap of faith. But once we’ve entered unchartered territory, how good are we at adapting to change? Do we seek it out or let it come to us and react as things happen?

While this theme is universal to humans everywhere, we have cast our specific lens on Chinese diasporic culture in Canada, where some phenomenal people have met with hostile unknowns on their journeys, often finding themselves split between cultures, languages and identities. This issue celebrates our community’s trailblazers, inspirational thinkers and makers who are showing us how to embrace change.

The cover art for this edition is inspired by the symbiotic relationship of knowledge, something we seek and rely on, and the unknown, what we don’t know. In what is loosely a tree of knowledge, our illustration signifies growth, resilience and having the faith to reach up. Way up.

— from the Editor’s Letter, Deborah Lau-Yu

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