Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II: Moments in Hong Kong & China
IMAGES REPOSTED FROM INSTAGram, visual china group, South China Morning Post, Sixth tone, hong kong free press, ebay, GEORGE FRESTON and douglas so
Image reposted from Vanishing Hong Kong (@vanishing.hongkong)
A brief history: britain & hong kong
Hong Kong was a British colony from 1842 to 1997. In 1839, during the First Opium War, Britain invaded China and one of its first acts was to occupy Hong Kong. In 1841, Qing Government surrendered Hong Kong island to the British. In 1898, Britain was given an additional 99 years of rule over Hong Kong under a special convention. On July 1st, 1997, Hong Kong returned to China, after 155 years of British colonialization. During the time of Britain’s rule, the city of Hong Kong was developed and evolved into the global hub and a world-class city.
Queen Elizabeth II with school children during a tour of China, Oct. 1986 | reposted from sixth tone | photo by Hulton Archive, Visual china group
An outpouring of social media posts and tributes continues around the world, and many fascinating moments of history with the Queen have been shared, especially of her visit to Hong Kong and of interesting bilingual souvenirs and collectors items that honour the Queen. We highlight some posts below that were publicly shared by loyal admirers and collectors, as a moment to remember the incredible person and leader that Queen Elizabeth II was, dutifully serving the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth for 7 decades. She was a symbol of stability and a constant in a face-paced and changing world. The photographs you are about to view demonstrate how much world history she lived and led through, and these are only a select few moments through the lens of Chinese diaspora in Canada.
queen elizabeth in mainland china
From October 12 to 18, 1986, Queen Elizabeth II became the first British monarch to visit China. It was seen as a critical piece of diplomacy, coming soon after testing negotiations between the United Kingdom and People's Republic of China over the eventual return of Hong Kong in 1997.
Queen Elizabeth II is followed by joyous Chinese children as she tours a children’s centre in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, Oct. 18, 1986 | reposted from sixth tones | Photo by Anwar Hussein, Visual China Group
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip visit the Great Wall in Beijing, Oct. 14, 1986 | reposted from sixth tone | photo by Visual China Group
Queen Elizabeth II walks where few other visitors to the famed terracotta warriors archeological site are allowed among the warrior figures themselves in Xi’an, Shaanxi province, Oct. 16, 1986 | reposted from sixth tone | photo by Petter Bregg, Visual China Group
The Queen visited Hong Kong on two previous occasions, once in 1975 and the second and last time in 1986.
Queen Elizabeth II during her visit to Hong Kong in 1975 | REPOSTED FROM Hong Kong Free Press | Hulton Royals Collection, Hulton Archive
Queen Elizabeth at a hawker stall in Central in 1975 | REPOSTED FROM vanity fair | photo BY GEORGE FRESTON
A historic moment for Hong Kong as Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip arrive at Kai Tak Airport, becoming the first reigning British monarch to visit the then colony in May, 1975 | reposted from South China Morning Post (@scmpnews) | photo by South China Morning Post
photo by South China Morning Post
Queen Elizabeth leaving for Government House in a limousine after a welcoming ceremony at City Hall in 1975 | photo by South China Morning Post
A student at then-Hong Kong Polytechnic explains a model to Queen Elizabeth during her visit to the college's technology and community care displays in 1986 | photo by South China Morning Post
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Although the last visit to Hong Kong by Queen Elizabeth II was in 1986, many publications in the city continued to celebrate her on their covers, especially marking her jubilee milestones.
Phoenix Weekly Issue 17 of 2022 | image reposted from kaoshenzazhi
collectors’ items of queen elizabeth II in colonial hong kong
There have been many interesting objects and images of heirlooms shared by mourners and admirers in the recent week. Do you have a special item? If you do, please share with our editorial team for a chance to share it with other readers!
stamps: Hong Kong 1969-71 | image reposted from ebay (#385082051400)
stamps: hong kong 1962 | image reposted from ebay (#125509386760)
stamps: hong kong 1992-1996, 1997 | image reposted from ebay (#19387920687)
stamp: hong kong 1982 | image reposted from ebay (#124473968484)
stamp: hong kong 1953 | image reposted from ebay (#295207257692)
stamp: hong kong 1962 | image reposted from ebay (#303980364616)
stamps: hong kong 1986 for the queen’s 60th Birthday | images reposted from ebay (#115389010757)
stamps: hong kong 1986 for the queen’s 60th Birthday | images reposted from ebay (#115389010757)
stamps: hong kong 1986 for the queen’s 60th Birthday | images reposted from ebay (#115389010757)
stamps: hong kong 1986 for the queen’s 60th Birthday | images reposted from ebay (#115389010757)
stamps: hong kong 1993 for The 40th Anniversary of Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II | image reposted from ebay (#284962351488)
Miniature Book Keyring: hong kong 1970s | images reposted from ebay (#185577085314)
Miniature Book Keyring: hong kong 1970s | images reposted from ebay (#185577085314)
Leica M6 Queen Elizabeth II Edition owned by Douglas So
Christmas Card portraying Her Majesty’s Queen Elizabeth II, by Baron, 1952 | reposted from Instagram (@93collectible)
Official First Day Cover with 1992 new definitive stamps, 1992 | reposted from Instagram (@93collectible)
Leaflet introducing the coronation ceremony of the Queen Elizabeth II, printed and published in Hong Kong, 1953 | reposted from Instagram (@93collectible)
Leaflet introducing the coronation ceremony of the Queen Elizabeth II, printed and published in Hong Kong, 1953 | reposted from Instagram (@93collectible)
Princess Elizabeth’s Wedding Day published by Pitkin Publishing, 1947 | reposted from Instagram (@93collectible)
As The Royal Family and the world say their final goodbyes to the Queen, she leaves a very big role to fill. Her steadfastness and devotion to service was not only noteworthy and unplaceable. She was a female leader in a world that favoured male leaders. Truly one of a kind, and called to a special duty of generations, the Queen will always hold a lasting place in the hearts of many. The next three heirs will be kings, but all who were guided by and learned from Queen Elizabeth II.
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