Perfection Begins with Folding an Origami Cat: The Lexus Takumi Test | 90秒 • 單手摺出一隻紙貓,如何讓你在加拿大生活的更精彩?
sponsored by Lexus
"90 seconds. Fold an origami cat with one hand." This challenge is just one example of the tests that Lexus craftspeople, the Takumi, undergo to perfect their craft. They must fold an origami cat in under 90 seconds using only their non-dominant hand, before they start work each day on the vehicles, because their hands are critical in the craftsmanship of every detail of a Lexus vehicle.
The Takumi are craftsmen who dedicate 60,0000 hours to their craft, over the course of three decades. It highlights the meticulous precision and extraordinary dexterity required, traits that reflect the Japanese culture’s dedication to the pursuit of perfection. This philosophy is the cornerstone of Lexus’s Mastery Craftsmanship, the guiding principle behind every Lexus vehicle.
Lexus vehicles are built with no compromises. The craftsmanship integrates cutting-edge technology with masterful attention to detail. Every Lexus is designed to deliver an exceptional driving experience that surprises and delights at every turn.
這是Lexus對縫製皮革工匠的測試之一。該手藝需要極度靈活細緻的技巧和超凡感官度,反映出日本文化追求一絲不苟的態度,也是Lexus 匠心匠作的哲學基礎:將尖端科技融合精湛工藝,在每個細節都定下嚴苛標準,從不妥協,也不走捷徑,力求帶給你超凡的駕駛體驗。動感與優雅的平衡、科技與環保共融、極限表現與穩定性,體現於每輛Lexus汽車,難怪它成為加拿大華人車主追求的熱門品牌。
想像在白雪皚皚的冬日,一家人不是躲在家裡,而是安坐在性能卓越可靠的Lexus RX暖心出行,自信地應對所有天氣,到滑雪場體驗滑雪之樂;或者在RX全景月亮天窗下,沉浸在絢麗繽紛的極光中...全賴RX的匠人匠心,這些加國生活的點滴,將變為歷久難忘的精彩體驗。就以其以駕駛者為中心的座艙來說,設計與佈局將駕駛者和車輛直接連繫;最大達到14吋的多媒體觸控顯示屏可連接多項先進駕駛輔助功能,無需分散注意力,也可環顧全局,專注於路面狀況,提升駕駛安全。人性化的資訊系統組件,集中於觸手可及之處,人車高效溝通,加上眾多高科技功能和安全設計,讓你在任何天氣之下縱橫城市野外,全家享受安全舒適的駕駛樂趣,只有親身試駕,才能徹底體驗Lexus 匠心匠作的真義,立刻到你附近的Lexus經銷商參觀,或瀏覽 挑選和配置你心儀的車型。
With a perfect balance of power and elegance, seamless integration of technology and sustainability, and unmatched performance and stability, every Lexus stands as a symbol of innovation and precision. This is why Lexus has become a top choice for Chinese Canadians, offering a vehicle that mirrors their values and lifestyle.
Imagine instead of spending a snowy day indoors, the whole family is on the way to a ski trip in a Lexus RX. With outstanding performance and reliability, the RX ensures you have all-weather confidence behind the wheel. Or experience the wonder of the northern lights under the RX’s panoramic moonroof, creating unforgettable moments during your Canadian adventure.
Lexus craftsmanship shines through in every detail. The driver-focused cockpit is built to foster a direct connection between the driver and vehicle, with an up to 14-inch touchscreen linked to the Lexus Interface multimedia system. A suite of driver-assisted features ensures safety while keeping distractions to a minimum, allowing you to stay fully focused on the road ahead.
Whether navigating city streets or exploring the countryside, the Lexus RX’s advanced technology and safety features provide unparalleled confidence. Embrace the luxury, performance, and craftsmanship that Lexus delivers, and make every family moment extraordinary.
Test drive a Lexus today and experience the mastery of craftsmanship firsthand. Visit a Lexus dealer near you or go to to learn more or configure your Lexus.
With high standards and meticulous attention to every detail, Lexus is striving to bring you pleasant surprises and extraordinary driving experience. The balance between dynamism and elegance, the integration of technology and environmental protection, extreme performance and stability, are fully reflected in every Lexus. No wonder it has become a popular choice for Chinese Canadians. 動感與優雅的平衡、科技與環保共融、極限表現與穩定性,體現於每輛Lexus汽車,難怪它成為加拿大華人車主追求的熱門品牌。