The Mother of All Fights: Lainey Lui & Judy Yeung 雷若芬與媽媽楊桂芳:奮勇駕馭那不可預知的未來
English 英: Deirdre Kelly Chinese 中: 曹逸雲 Fiona Cho
AS Featured in Fête Chinoise Edition 8: Into the Unknown 未知 · 未來
VENUE: 550 Studios PHOTOGRAPHY: Lucia Graca Remedios ART DIRECTION: Deborah Lau-Yu COORDINATION: Cole Ferguson, Rhonda Lam FASHION DIRECTION & STYLING: Katie Tobin MAKEUP: Grace Lee at Cadre Artist Management HAIR: Ian Russell at Cadre Artist Management ATTIRE: Balenciaga, Compania Fantastica, Dries Van Noten, Greta Constantine, L'Agence, Zara ACCESSORIES: H&M FOOTWEAR: Louis Vuitton, Versace, Victoria Beckham
On Lainey: DRIES VAN NOTEN Vilma Rock Concert Dyed Denim Jacket DRIES VAN NOTEN Pinel Rock Concert Dyed Wide Leg Pants LOUIS VUITTON Metallic Ankle Boots
On Judy: ZARA Patterned Satin Blouse HAGGAR White Stretch Trouser
By sheer force of will (in addition to feng-shui and Chinese astrology as guides for navigating the unknown), Judy — to call her by her English name — has overcome setbacks before, including other life-altering illnesses. Can she claw her way out of this one? Lainey is characteristically blunt when answering the question. “My mother’s as fierce as ever,” says the Toronto-born multimedia celebrity during a Zoom call where she vapes in between serving up juicy nuggets of her personal life, “but her health is definitely deteriorating. She’s angrier and moodier than before. But that’s all part of the story.”
雷若芬(Elaine “Lainey”),加拿大華裔才女、電視名人、資深主播及熱捧網站Lainey Gossip創辦人,單是Instagram帳戶的追隨人數也超過十萬。Lainey著有《Listen to the Squawking Chicken: When Mother Knows Best, What's a Daughter to Do?(聽雞叫嚷:當媽媽知道什麼是最好的,女兒該怎麼辦?)》一書,講述她和媽媽楊桂芳(Judy)的兩代關係,及自己在加國成長時期,面對華裔傳統文化習俗和父母的教育,所帶來種種的笑與淚。
On Lainey: GRETA CONSTANTINE Pink Tulle Puff Dress VERSACE White Intrico Platform Heels, Buffed Calfskin Heeled Loafers
On Judy: L'AGENcE Jenica Sheer Lace Blouse HAGGAR White Stretch Trouser
Some of that story has been told before – in Lainey’s best-selling 2014 memoir, Listen to the Squawking Chicken, for instance. The title, for those who don’t already know, refers directly to her mother, a native of Yuen Long, a town on the western side of Hong Kong, who came by her nickname following a teenage rape and an attempt to silence her outrage in the brutal aftermath. With unflinching honesty, Lainey’s book details her mother’s resilience and sometimes questionable survival tactics to establish, without a doubt, what a tough cookie she truly is.
ZARA Patterned Satin Blouse
Lainey的廣東話非常流利,沒有一般「竹昇」口音。年幼時,媽媽Judy堅持Lainey在家一定要講中文,認為多學一種語言對女兒只會有好處。Judy憶述在Lainey兩三歲時,有一次上廁所沒有廁紙,女兒用英文大叫:「Ma, run out of toilet paper!(媽,沒有廁紙了!)」Judy並沒有理睬,直至五分鐘後,Lainey勉強吐出:「廁紙走了。」Judy才笑着拿廁紙給她。自此之後,Lainey明白到在家裡一定要講中文才可以得到她所需要的東西;而Lainey亦曾幾度回港放暑假兼探親,她喜愛追看電視劇,因此也學懂不少純正廣東話及香港人文化。Judy強調教導孩子,需要言行身教。因此當Lainey年幼時,便經常帶她去不同的活動場合,一則讓她開闊視野;另外,當遇見有甚麼值得她學習的事情,可以直接指導。
L'AGENcE Jenica Sheer Lace Blouse HAGGAR White Stretch Trouser
The first born child of parents who gambled and drank and accrued gangland debts, Judy never had it easy growing up. Still, she’s never allowed herself to be a victim of circumstance. Whenever her own mother and father were in a bad way, she bailed them out, time and time again, despite them being neglectful – and quite frankly unconcerned – about her welfare. She negotiated with the Triad on their behalf; she paid their dues and kept them and their illegal mah-jong den going until it was time to bury all in strict accordance with ancient Chinese customs. It wasn’t just the right, or decent, thing to do. It was the way Judy, who immigrated to Canada with husband Bernard Lui in 1972, a year before Lainey was born, signaled to the world that she would always come out on top.
“Ma,” writes Lainey with equal parts sass and admiration, “was so gangster. But a gangster with nothing to hide, no secrets. Instead, her secrets, even though some of them were terrible, became her truths, because she was the first to squawk them out before anyone else, owning them before they could own her. In doing so, she taught me that if you can tell the story of the worst thing that has ever happened to you, you’ll never be silenced.”
這天早上兩母女來到攝影室為Fête Chinoise進行拍攝工作。纖瘦的Lainey對時裝一向有獨特的品味,不愛跟潮流,她的作風是寧願被批評、被討厭,也不願顯得平凡和沉悶。而身材高䠷的Judy五官輪廓分明,一頭短髮非常清爽帥氣,雖已年屆72歲,仍然風韻猶存。Judy更深諳穿衣之道,為了拍照工作更臻完美,特意帶來幾副時尚眼鏡,還有不同款式的帽子作配襯。看着母女倆人談論和挑選衣服和配襯,及拍攝時的眼神交流,一致的笑容,身體的語言,都反映着她們親密的關係。
In Chinese culture, illness is oftentimes a secret, the thing not readily shared with others. The emphasis is on longevity and immortality, not death, and so the tendency is to keep frailties of the flesh hidden from view. It’s unknown territory, a forbidden zone. But Lainey and her mother are willing to journey into it, both openly discussing the disease that is affecting them with no holds barred. It’s not the usual Chinese way, making it a relatively new space for open conversations about parental decline and filial obligation in the Chinese immigrant community.
To many in that community, Lainey’s already a trailblazer, being the first Chinese-Canadian co-host of The Social (now in its 10th season), and the first Asian senior correspondent of Etalk, both on the CTV network. She’s also the founder and editor of, which has millions of followers around the world, making her one of the world’s most influential people working in celebrity gossip today. As a pioneer in her field, Lainey leads by example, refusing, like her mother, to be silent and overlooked. Take her style of dress for instance – rhinestones on denim, lace on wool, stripes on knee socks. “Some have called my style juvenile,” she jokes as she jumps up to fluff the flounces on the floral dress she has worn for the virtual interview. “I am a 48-year-old who dresses like an eight-year-old!” But all kidding aside, her look is not childish but bold and confident, reflecting the self-assurance of a woman who dares to be different. “I don’t like wearing anything safe,” Lainey says, explaining her brazen fashion choices, “and I don’t like to look like anyone else. I don’t want to be boring.” Like mother, like daughter.
GRETA CONSTANTINE Pink Tulle Puff Dress VERSACE White Intrico Platform Heels, Buffed Calfskin Heeled Loafers
Even as she is dancing with death while wearing an auxiliary bracket on her legs with a head shaved bald in anticipation of the ravages wrought by chemotherapy — Judy, too, courts a distinct style. Her nails are red, her brows are arched, and her clothes, reflecting a zest for life, are bright and sparkly. As she says through her daughter, having “a tidy and beautiful” appearance is how she hopes to get all the doctors and nurses to notice her, not for the fashion plate she once was, but for the fighter she still is. “I want them to do all they can to make me live,” she says. A Chinese warrior deserves no less.
當年Judy的情況每況愈下,體重只剩下七十磅,而且全身不能動彈,只有頭部還可以郁動,同時皮膚已轉為暗黑色,處於生死邊緣。當時瑪嘉烈公主癌症中心(Princess Margaret Cancer Centre)召集了二十位專科醫生向她問症,她一見到醫生,就立刻叫道:「Please help me. I don’t want to die.(請救救我,我不想死!) 」然而,群醫還是束手無策,診斷不出病因。最後,一位放射治療師在她頸後發現了一粒如綠豆般大小的肉瘤,經過化驗後證實是癌細胞,並且是血癌中最罕見的骨癌。膊頭骨上穿了兩個小洞,於是醫院馬上為她進行化療以及幹細胞移植。性格堅強的Judy勇敢地面對病症,更將化療次數倍增,務求把癌細胞消滅。
On Lainey: BALENCIAGA Robe Flou Twisted Artist Doodles VICTORIA BECKHAM Valentina Knee-high Leather Boot in Ochre Yellow
On Judy: COMPANIA FANTASTICA Fauve Tulip Print Short-Sleeve Sweater H&M Bright Satin Patterned Scarf HAGGAR White Stretch Trouser
But as much as they are alike, Judy and Lainey are also quite different. Boiled down to basics, mom is the sergeant major, daughter the foot soldier enlisted to carry out her commands. No ifs, ands or buts. Miscommunication can and does occur, with skirmishes breaking out between the generations, despite both fighting for the same (mother-centric) cause.
From Lainey’s point of view, it’s a personality clash. Her mother is unapologetically self-absorbed, always the star of the show. She’s also super opinionated, never wrong and squawking chicken shrill. Illness hasn’t weakened those character traits. It’s made them even more pronounced. “She has entrenched beliefs,” Lainey says, not even trying to hide her frustration, “and they aren’t my beliefs and it’s too late to change her. I love her and I don’t always like her.” So, yes, it’s a difficult situation. But that’s their relationship. Intense. Complex. Profound. A love like no other.
Lainey has no problem talking about it. In fact, she insists on talking about it, her disclosures of intimate familial information serving as a contemporary twist on the age-old Chinese practice of honouring parents and ancestors. Speaking as both an obedient and unconventional Chinese daughter, Lainey says that she wants to preserve her mother’s fighting spirit the best way she knows how — by telling true tales. “In this way,” she explains, “I plan to make her immortal. I watch a lot of reenactments of Chinese mythology, and I can tell you that we are obsessed with immortality, and so this something here — talking about my mother like this — is how to achieve immortality for her. She’s a larger-than-life person. To me, it’s only fitting that she lives on forever.”
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