Tiana Shern: Motivating Others Through Dance 沈頌祈: 舞出新節拍
ENGLISH 英 : Andrea Lo | CHINESE 中 : Maggie Ho
VENUE: Toronto Marriott Markham, Downtown Markham · ART DIRECTION: DEBORAH LAU-YU · Photographer: Jackson Huang, Ikonica Images · VIdeographer: Karl Man · Fashion direction & Styling: Ashley Galang · MAKEUP & HAIR: Veronica Chu · Office team: Lilian mak, ruizhou li
Meet Tiana Shern, a TikTok dance sensation with over a million international followers — and counting. Born and raised in Markham, Ont., the 26-year-old Chinese Canadian started her dancing career relatively late in life. But her passion for and dedication to mixed-style hip-hop choreography have since taken her far.
Based in Toronto, Shern frequently travels to Vancouver and Los Angeles to work with local dancers while honing her own dance skills through continuous training. For her, dance isn’t just a popular social trend. It’s a powerful form of interpersonal communication that brings people together, regardless of cultural background or body type.
HUGO Pink Leather Bomber, Graphic Sheer Top, Cargo Jean and Pointed slingback Pumps.
網絡紅人、直播主持、社交明星、KOL……一大堆近年冒起的職業名號,對於抱傳統觀念的一代人來說,可能很難理解,甚至懷疑:玩玩罷了,是認真的職業嗎?能夠維持生計嗎?26歲的沈頌祈(Tiana Shern)以TikTok舞蹈視頻吸引超過百萬追隨者,經過一步又一步努力發展及經營各項技能,不但成功開展了舞蹈KOL事業,更利用網上世界的影響力,凝聚各方舞蹈愛好者的力量,重新定義作為亞洲舞蹈紅人的意義。
Shern first realized that dance could be an infectiously inclusive act when she started watching the hit TV show America’s Best Dance Crew (ABDC) at age 15. Inspired by the performers’ infectious energy, she decided she wanted to learn how to dance. After researching local dance schools, she eventually settled on VYBE Dance. She trained there for two years before becoming a teacher at the school and a valued member of the operations team.
HUGO Pink Leather Bomber, Graphic Sheer Top, Cargo Jean and Pointed slingback Pumps.
At the University of Toronto, where she studied kinesiology and set the foundation for her understanding of physiological movements, Shern danced competitively as a member of the Fo’Real Dance and Flex dance team, and participated in the Ontario Universities Competition for Hip-Hop. After graduation, she joined forces with VYBE Dance owner and crew director Jasmin Yeung to launch REACH, an annual post-secondary dance competition designed to bring school communities together and provide a platform for students to express their creativity through movement. While overseeing these competitions, Shern has personally witnessed formerly shy individuals learn how to socialize and network through dance. This was especially apparent during the pandemic, when dance became an important outlet for self-expression and a means of communication, especially on TikTok, where dance trends exploded. Shern was part of the eruption. People obviously like what she does.
COACH Jacket and Skirt. HUGO High Top Sneakers.
When she first became a content creator on social media three years ago, she started with 50,000 followers. That number quickly expanded to 500,000 within a couple of weeks. Once she reached 900,000 followers, Shern committed to making TikTok a 24/7 career choice. But to make it work she needed paid partnerships, which she eventually secured after much chasing and convincing via DMs and emails.
Shern now supports herself full-time as a dancer on social media. Until she could do that, she kept her dance aspirations a secret from her Chinese-born parents, worried they wouldn’t approve. Yet, it was her mother who first encouraged her to take up dance in the first place. When her daughter first showed an interest in dance, she turned the family basement into a mini dance studio for her, a gesture that earned her a “Most Supportive Parent” award at the conclusion of one of Shern’s dance competitions. She has always supported her daughter in dance and today is one of her biggest fans.
COACH Jacket and Skirt. HUGO High Top Sneakers.
Still, Shern sometimes feels uncomfortable knowing her mother is watching her dance on TikTok. She tried blocking her. But her mother signed on using an alias — an endearing testament to the extraordinary lengths that mothers will go to champion their loved ones.
She’s not the only one watching. Shern’s audience, primarily women between the ages of 18 and 24, hails mainly from India, the United States and Canada. Numbering over a million, they have tallied up close to seven million views on her TikTok channel, adding considerably to its popularity.
As an influencer, Shern strives to be an exemplary role model for the younger generation, offering fun lessons on dance, while exploring body movement and fostering body positivity. Her TikTok offerings often include bloopers — the things that can and do go wrong when spending up to eight hours a day creating choreography and enduring multiple takes during filming sessions that go into the night. These outtakes inform her audience that even professionals can make mistakes and that dance requires a great deal of time and practice. It’s how Shern keeps it real.
HUGO Cut out top, Tracksuit Pants and Chunky Sneakers.
It’s also important to her to use TikTok as a platform for advancing Asian representation in popular dance. Shern laments that when growing up, she didn’t have many Asian role models to drive her forward. She’s glad that’s now changing, citing Simu Liu’s recent success in film and TV and Blackpink’s electrifying live performance at Coachella as pivotal moments for her. Shern says she burst into tears when she saw the all-female Asian dance squad command the stage at one of the world’s largest pop music festivals. At long last, here suddenly were dancers who looked like her. Shern vows it won’t be the last time.
SAU LEE Penelope Backless Satin Gown. CHOPARD Earrings and Bracelet. HUGO shoes.
Committed to increasing the representation of diverse faces in today’s dance industry, Shern provides free online dance tutorials to her many followers. She often receives heartwarming feedback in return from fans sharing how her dance videos helped them to overcome fears, and gain self-confidence. Some tell her that they want to grow up and dance like her. Shern finds that hugely inspiring. Such comments fuel her creativity, she says, enabling her to continue making great content.
FENDI Tech Jersey Dress and Baguette Slides. CHOPARD Necklace and Bracelet. MEJURI Ring.
Looking to the future, Shern plans to expand her influence beyond dance. She envisions starting a production studio and exploring new online territory. Her interest in video games has led her to engage on the Twitch platform, another way she intends to connect with her growing Asian fan base. We can’t wait.
In the pantheon of Hong Kong cinema, Johnnie To Kei-fung stands as a colossus. With a career spanning over five decades, To has evolved from a commercial success to an internationally acclaimed auteur, leaving an indelible mark on the industry alongside contemporaries such as Wong Kar-wai, Tsui Hark, and John Woo.