Posts tagged artist
2024 Fire Horse Award Celebrates Interdisciplinary Media Artist Paul Wong

The Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival proudly announces pioneer visual and media Canadian artist Paul Wong as the 2024 Fire Horse Award recipient, honouring his community work, advocacy, and activism. The ceremony, hosted by Lainey Lui, took place on May 23rd at the Shangri-La Hotel Toronto, with notable attendees including Andrew Phung, Mayor Olivia Chow, the Rt. Hon. Adrienne Clarkson, and Ann Pornel.

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Through The Lens Of Art : Brendan Tang【當中國古典雕塑遇上現代機械】

Visual artist Brendan Lee Satish Tang is widely known for his sculptural ceramic work. Tang’s work explores issues of identity and the hybridization of our material and non-material culture while simultaneously expressing a love of both futuristic technologies and ancient traditions. He discovered a passion for art and all of the doors it can open when he was a small child. Growing up in small-town Canada, his family were the only “people of colour” in town. Drawing allowed him to escape into a world of fantasy and it became a powerful form of communication. Art gave him a meeting ground to connect with the other kids at school. universe.

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Contemporary Artist Yang Yongliang Reimagines Chinese Landscape Art with Virtual Reality 楊泳梁的山水影像實驗

Yang Yongliang, a contemporary artist from China, reimagines traditional Chinese landscape art with digital techniques to create dreamy techno visions of man in nature. His work employs contemporary images of cities and cars, which he alters and adjusts to fit within these classically composed and serene landscapes, maintaining a foggy black-and-white aesthetic. “Journey to the Dark II” is his first multi-channel 4K video.

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