History in Full Circle: The Chinese Canadian Museum 永生號的前世今生
English 英 : Monica Cheng, Melissa Lee and Sarah Ling • Chinese 中 : Maggie Ho
PHOTOGRAPHY : Courtesy of Chinese Canadian Museum
Chinese Canadian Museum opened on July 2023 at the historic Wing Sang Building in Vancouver Chinatown. 加拿大華裔博物館永生號大樓新址於2023年7月正式向公眾開放
Seeds to Success: Story of the H.Y. Louie Family examines stories of entrepreneurship, resilience, and intergenerational lessons. 展品《成功的種子:雷學溢家族的故事》
Chinese Canadian Museum - Exhibitions in Victoria, located at Fan Tan Alley in Victoria Chinatown, Canada's oldest Chinatown. 番攤里是加拿大最窄最古老的唐人街小巷
加拿大華裔博物館(CCM)去年正式購入溫哥華唐人街歷史悠久的永生號大樓 (Wing Sang Building),用作博物館的常駐館址,並於今年7月正式向公眾開放。這幢座落於溫哥華唐人街片打東街51號的古老建築,從過去到現在,一直肩負紀錄、保存加拿大華人歷史及文化傳承的責任。
Exhibit How did you get here? from A Seat at the Table. 《 一 席之地》的其中一個展覽品展示了當年來往溫哥華的航道
Yip Sang’s businesses included contracting Chinese labourers for the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR), the import and export of general goods, ticketing for the CPR ship lines, and serving as an unofficial bank for Chinatown residents to remit funds to China. The Wing Sang Building symbolizes the resilience of Chinese Canadians and their contributions to the development of Vancouver and Canada. It remained under the Yip family until 2001.
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Entrance to the temporary exhibition in Vancouver before moving in the Wing Sang Building location. 加拿大華裔博物館舊址的入口
Then in 2004, the building began to embody some artistic spirit, when it was purchased by businessman and art collector Bob Rennie who completed an extensive restoration project. Rennie used half of the space as a gallery to showcase his visual art collection and the other half for his real estate office. Rennie is known for his extensive work with museums and art-related organizations and is a philanthropist in the Canadian arts community.
First Steps: Chinese Canadian Journeys in Victoria, showing at Chinese Canadian Museum Fan Tan Alley location. 展品《第一步:華裔在維多利亞市的歷程》於番攤里的加拿大華裔博物館展出
永生號大樓由加拿大華裔先驅葉生(Yip Sang)始建於1889年,並先後於1901年和1912年擴建,直至2001年仍然由葉氏家族後人所持有。永生號大樓除了是葉生與其三位妻子及23個兒女的居所,更是葉生所創的永生公司的營業地址和倉庫。葉生的業務甚廣,包括代理招募加拿大太平洋鐵路公司的華工及進出口貿易等等。永生號更是唐人街的 「非官方銀行」,華工在那裡匯款及寄信致中國的家人;另外亦是溫哥華華人訂購船票的地方。 葉生傳奇的一生與永生號大樓的過去,體現了早期華人在加拿大的生活及貢獻。
"Paper and Shadows" from A Seat at the Table - an interactive and immersive display by Mere Phantoms, inspired by shadow theatre and papercutting. 《一席之地》展覽的剪影展品,由Mere Phantoms製作
"Chinese Canadians in Medicine", from First Steps: Chinese Canadian Journeys in Victoria 展品《第一步:華裔在維多利亞市的歷程》其中一個主題是從事醫療服務的華裔加拿大人
In 2022, history went full circle, when the Chinese Canadian Museum purchased the Wing Sang Building. The entire building is being adapted to showcase a variety of exhibitions that feature the Chinese Canadian experience, immigration, diaspora, and culture. The design and visual presentation of the Wing Sang Building provide a transformational experience for the curious museumgoer. Upon entering the heritage museum, visitors are transported into the history of old Chinatown; they can also enjoy contemporary elements of the architectural re-design led by Francl Architecture. The fusing of historic and contemporary is epitomized in the preservation of much of the original brick and wood while incorporating modern concrete and glass in the Wing Sang Building. The site reflects CCM’s aspiration of connecting the past and present, across generations.
2004年,加拿大地產大王兼藝術收藏家Bob Rennie購入永生號大樓,並進行了大規模修復工程。建築團隊Walter Francl Architects + mgb在工程中,盡力在保留歷史遺蹟、保育及活化各方面取得平衡。新建築保留了舊建築的磚牆,又加入樓梯、玻璃、混凝土等新元素。 改建後,建築一半用作辦公室,一半用作藝術畫廊,展示Bob Rennie的藝術收藏。Bob Rennie熱愛藝術文化,一直熱心支持加拿大多個博物館組織、藝術機構及文化團體。
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"Sea of Faces" from A Seat at the Table, features known and unknown Chinese Canadians across generations. Designed by Catherine Clement.展品《如海群相》由 展覽策劃人Catherine Clement設計
CCM’s 2023 grand opening included the launch of a visually compelling national exhibition entitled The Paper Trail to the 1923 Chinese Exclusion Act, curated by Catherine Clement, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Immigration Act, of 1923, discriminatory legislation that enforced mandatory registration and tracking of Chinese in Canada and in effect barred Chinese from entering the country until 1947. The museum will also show an overview of Chinese migration and a special tribute to the Yip family through two interactive “Period Rooms” which immerse visitors into the 1920s and 1930s to provide a glimpse into the daily lives inside the Yip residence.
The School Room inside the Wing Sang Building, the oldest structure in Vancouver Chinatown. 永生號大樓內的學堂,是溫哥華唐人街最古老的建築之一
The opening of the Chinese Canadian Museum is a significant milestone for Chinese communities across Canada who have cultural connections around the world and society at large. At a time when anti-Asian racism has reverberated across North America and beyond, the museum’s work is a powerful reminder of the importance of educating and celebrating the contributions of diverse communities who help shape Canada’s history and identity.
博物館內特別設置兩個互動展區,讓參觀者透過特別策劃的 「時代室」,了解葉生一家在二、 三十年代於永生號大樓的生活。另外,博物館於2023年舉行的開幕展覽名為《尋影覓跡:1923 排華法案The Paper Trail to the 1923 Chinese Exclusion Act 》。 展覽由策劃人Catherine Clement策劃,特別紀念這條通稱為 「排華法」的法案(Chinese Immigration Act) 立法一百年周年。法案要求加拿大的華人進行強制登記和追蹤,實際上禁止華 人入境,法例直至1947年才被廢除。
包括葉生在內,華裔人士長久以來為加拿大社會、經濟、文化等各方面有着重大貢獻。然而 ,一直以來這些故事鮮有被主流社會提及。華裔博物館的開幕,對本地人、華人,都是 一個重要的里程碑。它是加拿大境內第一間以華人作主題的博物館,透過紀念加拿大華人歷史和貢獻,增加大眾對華裔人士的認識、尊重,期望消除針對亞裔人士的仇恨及成見。
Click to read about the grand opening of the Chinese Canadian Museum.
Stepping into Enigma Yorkville, I was immediately struck by the seamless blend of modern elegance and quiet intimacy—a setting that speaks to a carefully curated dining experience. Fresh from its recent renovation, which creates a more immersive space. Enigma’s expanded offerings go beyond just aesthetics; they invite guests into a world where fine dining meets immersive storytelling. While every dish was crafted with precision and creativity, a few selections left a lasting impression, revealing the true essence of Enigma’s culinary philosophy.