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As featured in Fête Chinoise Design Annual 2024
Image courtesy of Chopard
L.U.C XP Urushi Year of the Dragon
蕭邦:L.U.C XP 限量版龍年蒔繪腕錶
Design 設計: Chopard
Chopard's L.U.C XP Urushi Year of the Dragon limited edition timepiece blends gold and lacquer in a rare combination and done masterfully, symbolizing luck and prosperity for the Chinese zodiac year. Each of the 88 dials is meticulously crafted by Japanese artisans using the traditional Maki-e technique, taking over 20 hours to complete. The exquisite dial features Urushi lacquer, gold powder, and mother-of-pearl inlays, showcasing the brand's commitment to artisanal excellence and specialization in Japan of the Maki-e technique .
瑞士奢華鐘錶品牌蕭邦自2013年起,每年推出以該年生肖為主題,限量生產 88 隻的蒔繪手錶。 踏入龍年,全新精製的限量版龍年蒔繪腕錶為整個生肖系列畫上句號。 面盤底部塗有日本厚漆,漆層上灑上金箔裝飾,再由漆藝大師小泉三教先生逐筆手繪木龍之各項細節神韻,在龍爪上鑲以珍珠母貝製成的「龍珠」,結合18K玫瑰金錶殼與微型擺陀L.U.C 96.17-L 機芯,精湛工藝與極致美學完美配合。
Image courtesy of Shanghai Tang
Auspicious Dragon – Candy Box 祥龍獻瑞系列糖果盒
Design 設計: Shanghai Tang 上海灘 x Jacky Tsai
In traditional Chinese culture, the Dragon is a divine creature symbolizing good luck, happiness, prestige and prosperity. SHANGHAI TANG welcomed the Spring Festival with a set of modern dragon images as the main pattern,"Auspicious Dragon." The collection includes men's and women's ready-to-wear, accessories, home collections such as fragrances and cups.
Combining the colourful and intricate floral dragons with the classic dragon elements of SHANGHAI TANG, a festive atmosphere is brought to life by the large red embellishments, which are hand-painted with10 layers of lacquer and polished to give a shining surface to the candy box.
在中國傳統文化,祥龍是一種神獸,象徵吉祥、威望和繁榮。 為慶祝品牌成立 30 週年和龍年春節,上海灘與藝術家蔡贇驊再度聯手,推出《祥龍獻瑞》系列,產品包括男女時裝、配飾、餐具等家品。 色彩鮮艷的花卉與象徵幸福、尊貴的祥龍結合,大紅主色調的糖果盒經過反覆多次髹塗拋光,色澤亮麗,是新年家中實用又華麗的藝術擺設。
Image courtesy of Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton Objets Nomades Lantern PM and GM
Design 設計: Louis Vuitton x Zanellato / Bortotto
The Lantern by Zanellato and Bortotto GM is the result of a collaboration between Louis Vuitton and designers Giorgia Zanellato and Daniele Bortotto. This addition to the House's Objets Nomades collection celebrates artisanal craftsmanship with a meticulously woven honeycomb cage made of colorful leather, wood, and hardware. The portable item features a removable, rechargeable LED light with a frosted glass bulb.
品牌 Objets Nomades 系列的最新設計,由意大利家品設計師 Giorgia Zanellato & Daniele Bortotto 設計的可攜式手提燈。
以頂級皮革編織而成的蜂巢形燈罩,配以木材和金屬件作點綴。 另備有可拆式及可充電的 LED 燈及磨砂玻璃燈泡,帶來獨特照明體驗。
Image courtesy of Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton Escale - Cabinet of Wonders - Dragon’s Cloud
Design 設計: Louis Vuitton
For 2024, three limited-edition wristwatches, inspired by the personal collections of Gaston-Louis Vuitton and imbued with technical virtuosity, combined a wide range of métiers d’art to represent the next chapter of fine watchmaking at Louis Vuitton.
Completing the artisanal triptyque is a model in rose gold, depicting a majestic dragon, clutching a carnelian-set GLV monogram. Unlike their Occidental counterparts, Asian dragons are creatures of the sky and of the water, frequently illustrated near lakes or entwined in clouds.
A rare technique known as damascening was chosen to reflect the traditional habitat of the Asian dragon. Damascening is a form of decorative inlay using metals of contrasting colours, resulting in a layered appearance echoing the organic textures found in nature.
三款限量版腕錶靈感來自牌創始家族的第三代成員 Gaston-Louis Vuitton 的私人收藏,完美展現品牌製錶的精湛工藝。 限量 20 只,以三聯畫為設計概念,黃金和玫瑰金的設計使龍的形象更加栩栩如生,手握鑲嵌有GLV字母的紅玉髓。 使用鑲嵌技術呈現亞洲龍的精髓,大馬士革裝飾形成了層次分明的外觀,與自然界的紋理相呼應。 錶盤的龍紋以黃金或玫瑰金冷加工而成,鱗片則使用罕見的金箔琺瑯,呈現出豐富的層次感。 龍眼和 GLV 字母的紅玉髓相映成趣,煥發迷人的光彩。 其中大馬士革和金箔琺瑯等一度被視為失落的藝術工藝,與龍的崇高、充滿智慧的形象不謀而合。
Image courtesy of Fête Chinoise Team
“Auspicious Treats” Tea Towel 賀年甜點吉祥茶巾
Design 設計: Fête Chinoise
A toast to New Year festivities through food, in a charming hand-illustrated spread of traditional snacks and “lucky” treats enjoyed by families all around the world at Lunar New Year. The next in the series following Fête Chinoise’s ‘Feast’ tea towel, this timeless design doubles as beautiful décor in the kitchen. Childhood treats become wonderful conversation starters.
Image courtesy of Pandora
Year of the Dragon Charm and Two-tone Collier Necklace
Design 設計: Pandora
The Two-tone Year of the Dragon Collier Necklace design represents good fortune, strength, power, wisdom and health. This sterling silver necklace features a curled dragon pendant in 14k gold plating with intricate details and a row of sparkling pavé along the dragon's body. A 14k gold-plated peace knot dangles near the clasp as a subtle nod to culture.
祥龍在十二生肖中名列第五,代表好運、力量、權力、智慧和健康。 14K 鍍金的祥龍魅力串飾呈現可愛的龍形設計,龍身一側鑲有寶石,另一側則是細膩的鱗紋,雙眼用上鮮紅色的梨形寶石,生動Q版。 雙色龍年短頸鍊貴麗典雅,其中以 14K 鍍寶石金蟠龍吊墜最為觸目,頸鍊釦旁以平安結作裝飾,細微處顯見經典。 兩款飾物均隱藏着滿滿的祝福。
Image courtesy of Coach
Year of the Dragon Collection 夢幻粉碧龍年限定系列
Design 設計: Coach x Lian Yang 蓮羊
The “Year of the Dragon” collection crafted in collaboration with artist Lian Yang. A celebration of Lunar New Year featuring Coach Family Wu Jinyan, the collection blends traditional Chinese art-forms and imagery with the house’s distinctive visual language to create pieces that capture the festive spirit of the new year.
Drawing inspiration from the ancient Chinese artform of rock painting, Yang showcases symbolic motifs such as cloud patterns, lotus flowers, captured in artful embroidery—a nod to the heritage of craftsmanship Coach shares with Yang. Most notably, the pieces spotlight Yang’s expressive depiction of this enduring symbol of courage, strength and optimism.
蔻響新年,有龍則靈。 品牌與中國傳統岩彩藝術家蓮羊女士攜手打造龍年限定系列,重新詮釋了傳統神話《步步生蓮》中,神龍保護少年追星逐夢的故事。 蓮羊設計的龍保留了傳統形象,並增加了自由浪漫的現代元素。 主色取自粉碧璽,象徵開心喜悅和追求自由。 因與「辟邪」諧音,被視為納福驅邪的寶石和新年開運寶石。
Image courtesy of COS
Design 設計: COS
COS made an impression with their Lunar New Year Collection, celebrating the Dragon.
The collection embraced prints and florals in an array of distinct designs, each offering a uniquely refined elegance. Utilizing digital hand-drawn techniques, the collection artistically combines prints and tactile surface textures to capture the movement of the dragon. Intricate patterns adorn knitted vests, high neck base layers and shirts.
系列以花繪龍姿,採用獨特精緻優雅的印花和花卉設計,展現出新春繁花茂盛的景象,品牌特意採用數碼圖繪技術,將印花和凸印技術結合。 針織背心、高領打底衣和襯衫上飾有複雜的圖案,捕捉龍的動作。
Image courtesy of Hennessy
The Hennessy X.O Lunar New Year 2024 Limited Edition
軒尼詩 X.O. 龍年限量版
Design 設計: Hennessy x Yang Yongliang 楊詠梁
The 'Dragon’s Odyssey' was Hennessy’s 2024 Chinese New Year limited edition. The V.S.O.P Deluxe, drenched in vibrant red, embodied luck and the golden X.O Deluxe represented prosperity.
Adorned with a stunning design by digital artist Yang Yongliang, this edition paid tribute to the Year of the Dragon. The gold-adorned bottle not only symbolizes prosperity and good fortune, it also captures the dynamic and powerful energy of the dragon through metallic dancing dragons that vividly bring together tradition and innovation.
軒尼詩帶來新年新氣象。 品牌與當代藝術家楊泳梁攜手打造的春節限量版,靈感源自楊泳梁的經典數位作品《Dragon’s Odyssey》。 每一瓶龍年限量版 X.O. 就是一件獨樹一幟的藝術品,以金色波濤為背景,生動詮釋了龍的神韻,融匯東西文化。 龍鱗和牙齒等細節都刻畫全神,立體生動。 以騰龍匯集象徵吉祥、注入正能量。
Image courtesy of Tiffany & Co. and the Fête Chinoise Team
Year of the Dragon Wooden candy box
Tiffany & Co. 木龍賀年全盒
Design 設計: Tiffany & Co.
Tiffany & Co. honoured the Wood Dragon year with an intricate wooden candy box, elevating the concept with tastefully intricate carvings. The meticulously crafted design of the majestic dragon also graces the brand’s lucky pocket envelopes. Traditional yet elegant, this candy box is a staple in Chinese households, symbolizing good fortune and prosperity. It is used to share auspicious candied fruits and nuts during festivals, conveying good wishes. The choice to design the candy box into a keepsake object demonstrated Tiffany & Co’s understanding of cultural authenticity, and the connection to and appreciation of the Chinese community.
品牌為慶祝龍年,特別製作了極限量的木龍賀年全盒。 全盒雕工優雅精細,展現了龍的雄偉壯麗形象。 全盒是華人家庭賀年不可或缺的一部分,象徵吉祥和繁榮。 在節日期間,放有瓜子、糖果、蜜餞、堅果供客人享用,取其「搲銀」之意。 木龍賀年全盒是品牌對中華傳統的致敬,同時凸顯了他們對華人文化的深刻理解和尊重。
Image courtesy of Johnnie Walker
Johnnie Walker Blue Label Lunar New Year Limited Edition
Design 設計: Johnnie Walker x James Jean
The vivid design for the Johnnie Walker Year of the Dragon bottle captures the essence of tradition and innovation, respect for the past and also looking into the future, bringing together culture and art to embody the spirit of the brand’s Keep Walking values.
Developed in partnership with one of the most influential visual artists in the world, James Jean sought inspiration for his Lunar New Year design from the layers of incredible flavour that Johnnie Walker Master Blender Dr. Emma Walker and her team bring to Johnnie Walker Blue Label; a velvety smooth and vibrant Scotch Whisky, with layers of fruit, spice and long-lingering smokiness.
品牌與亞裔美藉藝術鬼才 James Jean 攜手推出龍年限量版,樽身印有James 創作的青龍,其夢幻風格糅合了傳統中國卷軸畫及現代動漫的元素,跳脫的青龍從豐富多彩的動植物中躍然而出,形態栩栩如生、氣派不凡。 Blue Label 由品牌的調酒大師 Emma Walker 及其團隊精選珍稀頂級的蘇格蘭威士忌匠心調配而成,入口柔順、圓融,既有蜂蜜的甜味,也有胡椒、乾果及煙燻香氣,層次無與倫比。
Image courtesy of Piaget
Lunar New Year Capsule Collection of the Dragon & Phoenix
Design 設計: Piaget 伯爵
In 2012 on the occasion of The Lunar New Year, Piaget Welcomed the Year of the Dragon with a special capsule collection of exceptional timepieces. As the 12-Year cycle finished and began again in 2024 with a capsule collection of the Dragon & Phoenix magnetic energies.
Limited to 38 pieces each, dials depict elegant blue Dragons or Phoenixes in red, pink, and orange hues against carved mother of pearl skies. Anita Porchet's cloisonné enamelling adds depth, while gold engraving enhances detail. High jewellery watches feature fine paillonné enamelwork and gold-engraved Dragons, radiating elegance and power. The Emperador watch showcases a gold-engraved Dragon swirling around the case, epitomizing Piaget's fusion of high watchmaking and inspired jewellery.
錶盤之上或盤踞着優雅不羈的藍色巨龍,或以紅粉橙三色的斑斕錦簇描繪鳳凰翱翔雲間,浩瀚蒼穹則以灰色和白色的珍珠母貝交匯雕刻而成,每款各限量發行38枚。 由頂級琺瑯工藝大師 Anita Porchet 精湛的景泰藍琺瑯工藝,展現出栩栩如生、躍然眼前的奇景。 金工鏤刻工藝勾勒出細緻的巨龍鱗片與鳳凰羽翎,深淺有致。
In Chinese culinary tradition, the Longevity Peach Bun (or Shoutao), holds a special place. Often found at birthday banquets for the elderly, this delightful treat is more than just a delicious dessert—it is a symbol of health, prosperity, and a long life. With its unique appearance and cultural significance, the symbolic bun continues to be a staple at celebrations as traditions are passed down generations of families in Asia and in diasporas around the world.