Mirror's Action Comedy 'We 12' Hits North American Cinemas《12怪盜》
Press Release from illume films, with notes from Fête Chinoise Editorial Team (Kayla Lo)
Synopsis from Makerville
DIrected by Berry Ho Kwok Man
Starring Mirror, Error, Wai-lun Yeung, Min-chin Lin
Debuting in North American Cinemas on April 26
Were you one of the fans at the Toronto stop of Mirror's concert tour last Wednesday at the Meridian Hall? There is more to be excited about! After their successful Feel the Passion tour in North America, including the first time appearing on CNN for a televised interview, the hot-topic Cantonese boy band is ready to captivate audiences once again. Their debut movie, 'We 12,' is set to hit theatres on April 26th. The action comedy movie has already amassed nearly 20 million box office sales in Hong Kong since its launch last month. This movie marks the first time the entire team has appeared together in a production, showcasing the unity and bond of the boy band, dotted with humour. Light-hearted and fun, this film is a must-watch for fans!
Movie Premiere
The premiere was held on April 25
Fans showed their support for the members
Mirror’s Exclusive INterview Footage
In the world, which is ordinary yet a little bit extraordinary, there is an underground organization called the "Kaito Association". Their members silently guard the social order and peace.
Within the organization, there are 12 geniuses, each with their own unique skills. Kaito Ian is good at planning, Kaito KT is a master of hypnosis, Kaito Stanley is skilled in eavesdropping, Kaito A.Lo is most adaptable, Kaito Edan is excellent in abseiling, Kaito Jer can instantly disguise himself, Kaito Tiger knows how to read lips from a distance, Kaito Alton is a world-class hacker, Kaito AK. masters animal telepathy, Kaito Lokman is familiar with unlocking techniques, Kaito Frankie has the strongest sixth sense, and Kaito Jeremy has a natural super memory and can read and memorize large amounts of information at a glance.
They are the star members of the Kaito Association.
One day, they received instructions from Boss, to gather at headquarters to complete an important case that will affect the entire world.
The biggest challenge is that the 12 of them have been separated for years, each busy with their own affairs. Thus, they lack mutual understanding.
Facing the important case that Boss highly values, the 12 of them have to work together again after being apart for so long. They not only need to rekindle their team spirit but also face the top enemy of all Kaitou, security manager Johnny, who is trying to stop them, making the mission even more difficult.
MIRROR, the Hong Kong idol group, presents their first idol-style comedy "We 12." Expect the unexpected!
在這個尋常得有點不尋常的世界,有一個地下組織名叫「怪盜公會」,旗下的怪盜默默地守護社會秩序與和平。 組織內有 12 個天才怪盜各自身懷絕技——怪盜 Ian 擅長策劃、怪盜 KT 精通催眠、怪盜 Stanley 擅於竊聽、怪盜 A.Lo 身手靈活、怪盜 Edan 游繩技術一流、怪盜 Jer 可以瞬間變裝、怪盜 Tiger 懂得遠距離讀唇、 怪盜 Alton 擅長網絡攻擊,是世界級駭客、怪盜 AK 掌握動物傳心術、怪盜 Lokman 熟悉解鎖技術、怪盜 Frankie 第六感最強,而怪盜 Jeremy 則天生擁有超級記憶力,閱讀大量資料過目不忘。
他們是怪盜公會中的明星級成員,一天接到波士指示,12人於總部集合,奉命完成一宗將會影響全地球的重要個案。此時最大考驗就是12子數年來聚少離多,各有各忙,所以默契欠奉,面對波士甚為重視的個案,12人久別之後再度合作,既要重新燃起團魂,又要面對公會頭號大敵保安經理 Johnny的阻攔,任務殊不輕易。
是次任務受關注環保的巨富委託,需從暗黑科學家頒獎禮中盜取得獎作品「多重宇宙滅蚊燈」,阻止發明破壞地球生態平衡。12子本來信心滿滿,認為任務可以簡單完成,結果因為太自信,而且每個人的辦事手法亦太自我中心,輕視了合作精神,終不慎跌入 Johnny預早設下的圈套。
痛定思痛,隊員終醒覺團隊合作的真諦︰「不需要每個人也成為第一,我們要做的是整個團隊成為第一。」 12子與詭計多端的 Johnny終極對決,Johnny更要脅12怪盜作出生死抉擇!
12 子如何完成任務?Johnny下場如何?地球的命運如何?香港男子天團 MIRROR 首部偶像式喜劇《12 怪盜》全個地表,一同期待!
We 12 Official Trailer
Release Date: April 26th. 2024
Mirror: Frankie Chan (陳瑞輝), Alton Wong (王智德), Lokman Yeung (楊樂文), Stanley Yau (邱士縉), Anson Kong (江𤒹生), Jer Lau (柳應廷), Ian Chan (陳卓賢), Anson Lo (盧瀚霆), Jeremy Lee (李駿傑), Edan Lui (呂爵安), Keung To (姜濤), Tiger Yau (邱傲然)
Error: Leung Yip (梁業), Denis Kwok (郭嘉駿), Dee Ho (何啟華), Poki Ng (吳保錡)
Wai-lun Yeung (楊偉倫), Min-chen Lin (林明禎), Yoyo Kot (葛綽瑤), Barry Cox (郭栢榮), Kenny Wong (黃德斌)
In the pantheon of Hong Kong cinema, Johnnie To Kei-fung stands as a colossus. With a career spanning over five decades, To has evolved from a commercial success to an internationally acclaimed auteur, leaving an indelible mark on the industry alongside contemporaries such as Wong Kar-wai, Tsui Hark, and John Woo.