Mid-Autumn Crafts Workshop 中秋中式手工制作课 [SOLD OUT]
Written by Fete Chinoise · Translated by Lisa Fang
Photography by Picni Photo Studio
想为中秋找寻一些应景又有趣的活动吗?这里有你想要的。如果你在多伦多,今年Fête Chinoise联合多伦多本地多方创意团队,举办了这次独一无二的手工坊活动来共同庆祝中秋!
Chinese-inspired Accessory Box
The first thing you will do is choose the cloth and design for the small accessory box you will make. June Studio has carefully selected a variety of materials so that you can choose a pattern you like for your take-home gift. You can either choose the same pattern for both sides of the box or two different patterns for two unique sides. No sewing experience required for this project!
你要做的第一件事就是为你的收纳盒选择喜欢的布料与设计。June Studio(六月堂)精心准备了各种不同花样的布料,你可以选择自己喜欢的图案,即可选择两面相同,也可两面不同的图案,且不需要有缝纫基础。小小收纳盒饱含心意,是送给自己或是家人朋友的好选择。
Choosing flowers based on the colours of the patterns chosen.
2. Flower Box 插花花盒
Next you will create your Flower Box under the direction of Ichigo Ichie Floral Studio’s Owner. She will show you step by step how to make a balanced box that will last for days in your home! Of course, whether you like the roses, dahlias, carnations, or other flowers, there is a wide selection for you to choose from! It is encouraged to use colours from your accessory box design for your flowers.
接下来你将在Ichigo Ichie Floral Studio(一期一会花艺工作室)创办人的指导下,设计并制作一个和你首饰盒相搭配的花盒。花艺师将会一步步指导你如何制作一个完美的花盒,(花盒可存放数天)。当然,不管你喜欢玫瑰,大丽花还是康乃馨,或是其他的种类,这里会有众多花材供你选择。花艺师将指导你选择和首饰盒相匹配的颜色来搭配花盒。
Flower selection available for guests.
“Another way to celebrate Mid-Autumn with friends
3. A Picture for Your Social Media
The photographer at Picni Photo Studio will also take your portrait with the flower box and accessory box that you’ve created so that you can share this memory with your friends and family! Look forward to reliving the fun through photographs!
Guests will have images shared with them to commemmorate the event.
4.Your Copy of the 2020 FÊte Chinoise Magazine
FÊte Chinoise 2020年刊杂志
Each guest will also receive their very own copy of our beautiful Fête Chinoise Magazine 2020! Inside you will find stories that are inspiring about the Chinese community with features on fan favourites Simu Liu and Selena Lee. Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate with us!
每位学员也将会收到一份精美的Fete Chinoise 2020年刊,其中你可以了解到各种海外华人社区鼓舞人心的故事,还有粉丝喜爱的演员刘思慕与李施嬅的专栏。不要错过这次绝佳的机会!
Event Details & Registration
Ichigo Ichie Floral Studio
372 Highway 7, Unit 112B, Richmond Hill Ontario, Canada L4B 0C6
Dates and Times 时间:
Workshop A: September 26 (FULL)
Workshop B: October 1 (FULL)
$148 / per person
$260 / for two (两人同行)
Limit 6 people per Workshop 每堂课仅限6人